Chapter Nine

As they walked, Tammylooked around the pub. It was packed. The tables were full, as were the stools at the bar, and people huddled together standing in groups holding drinks. The pub quiz back home definitely didn’t get this busy. They were lucky if another two or three teams wanted to compete. She grinned. This was going to be a good night.

‘Hi, Tammy. Cocktail?’ Teresa held a glass out towards her. ‘I’m not sure what it is. Freya chose it and I think she’s gone to the toilet, but whatever it is, it tastes good.’

‘I will then. Thanks.’ Taking the glass, Tammy paused. There must have been at least twenty-odd people squashed around the table, chatting and laughing together. More possibly. She recognised a few. Carmen and Rob were there, as were Brooke and Molly, but she didn’t know who the others were. She was sure Diane had said it was only people who either worked at the bakery or who had previously volunteered there who made up the team. And their partners, of course. Had this many people really volunteered at Elsie’s? Was she one of the few who had travelled to volunteer? Did most volunteers come from the local community? They couldn’t live that far away, not if they met here once a week.

‘There’s a lot of new faces here, aren’t there?’ Diane grinned. ‘But you’ll get to know everyone.’

Tammy smiled as Diane introduced her. There was no way she’d remember all their names, not straight away at least.

‘Here, come and sit over here.’ Standing up, Carmen indicated a spare chair next to her.

‘Thanks.’ Squeezing between the wall and the chairs, Tammy paused as people spoke to her and hugged her before reaching Carmen.

‘It’s great to see you again.’ Carmen wrapped her arms around her before stepping aside so Tammy could get to the empty chair.

‘Great to see you again, too.’ Grinning, Tammy sat down as the person on her other side turned towards her.

‘Hi, Tammy. I’m Lauren and this is Charlie. I know Diane has only just introduced us all, but I remember meeting everyone for the first time and forgetting people’s names straight away.’ Lauren laughed. ‘And that was back when there was about half the number of us today.’

‘Hi, Lauren. Hi, Charlie. Do you live around here, then?’

‘I do. I work at the primary school in the bay now.’

‘Oh, I think I’ve seen that. Is it at the top of the hill?’

‘Yes, that’s right.’

‘How long have you lived here?’ Tammy picked up her drink and took a sip. Teresa had been right - whatever it was, it was good.

‘Oh, not long. Only a few months. I came here to volunteer at Elsie’s bakery. My sister, Diane...’ Lauren indicated to Diane with her glass. ‘...had volunteered a couple of years ago and ended up staying, so I was between jobs and thought I’d pay her a visit.’

‘Diane’s your sister?’ Tammy glanced from Lauren to Diane and back again. ‘Now you’ve said it, I can see the resemblance.’

‘Thanks, I think.’ Lauren laughed again. ‘When I came to volunteer, I didn’t tell her what I was planning and just turned up. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her look so shocked.’

‘Aw, I bet that was amazing.’ Tammy looked around the table. ‘I wasn’t expecting there to be so many ex-volunteers here tonight. When Diane said the pub quiz team was made up of past volunteers, I expected there to be just a couple. Do people travel far to come here each week?’

‘Not at all. Everyone either lives in the bay or in the local area now. Everyone here has moved down this way.’

Tammy raised her eyebrows. ‘After volunteering?’