‘That’s right.’ Lauren grinned.

‘Wow.’ Tammy took another sip of her drink. Penworth Bay was stunning. The beach was idyllic, and the local community was welcoming. She could see why so many people had moved.

A loud, high-pitched sound screeched through the pub. ‘Evening folks. Anyone here for the pub quiz?’

Tammy looked towards the bar, searching for who had spoken. A man behind the bar was holding a microphone. He must be the pub landlord.

A raucous cheer erupted around the pub, people holding up papers and waving them. Tammy hadn’t even noticed the answer sheets had been given out, but sure enough, Wendy was waving one in the air.

‘That’s Gerald, the landlord. He’s so funny.’ Carmen twisted in her chair and whispered to Tammy.

Nodding, Tammy listened as he introduced the quiz. The atmosphere in here was buzzing. People were excited and happy to be here.

‘Question number one: Name the largest canyon in the world. I’ll give you a clue with this one, being as I’m feeling generous tonight – it’s located in the United States.’ Gerald paused.

Tammy looked around the table again as people discussed the possible answer. She loved pub quizzes, but she’d never been very good at them. Her phone pinged. That would be another message. She pulled it out of her pocket and looked at it under the table. Yep, all the messages were from the group chat. She placed it on the table next to her drink.

Chapter Ten

‘Okay, folks. Can oneperson from each team bring on down the answer sheets and we’ll take a break before announcing the winning team?’ Gerald’s voice echoed around the pub as people stood up, rushing down to return their answer sheets and order more drinks.

The light from her phone screen glowed, signalling a call. Standing up, she picked it up. ‘Sorry, I’d better take this.’

‘No worries.’ Grinning, Carmen stood up and pushed her chair in, letting Tammy pass.

Walking through the pub, she pushed open the heavy wooden door and stepped outside. Darkness enveloped the street, the glow from the streetlamps illuminating patches. She answered. ‘Hello?’

‘Hiya, Tammy. It’s Ellie, how’s it going?’

‘Ellie. Hi.’ Tammy smiled. It was good to hear Ellie’s voice. She’d missed not seeing her every day at work. They’d both started on the same day six years ago and had always been close. ‘Great, thanks. Really good. How are things with you?’

‘Good, good. Look, I just wanted to speak to you because I know everyone is talking about Andrew and Jennifer’s wedding in the group chat and I know you’re seeing them all. It feels awkward, so I just wanted to ring and ask if you minded?’


‘Yep. I didn’t know whether it would be better to start a new group chat with just us lot who are going to the wedding but then as I was doing that, I worried that you’d think we were excluding you and ignoring you, so I deleted it. Do you want me to start one? I know it must be difficult to read about everyone getting all excited about travelling up to Edinburgh and talking about what they’re going to wear and all of that.’