‘Tammy, are you awake, love? Wendy is here. Are you still going to the pub quiz?’

‘Yep. Sorry. I won’t be a moment.’ Standing up, she hurried to the mirror and picked up her hairbrush. As she ran the brush through her hair, she looked down at her phone on top of the dressing table. Two missed calls and twenty-four group chat messages.

Taking a quick glance in the mirror, she shrugged and picked up her phone before pocketing it. She’d have a look later. Pulling open the bedroom door, she walked into the living room. Elsie and Ian were sitting on the sofa nursing a coffee and a woman was perching on the edge of the armchair by the window. ‘Hi, sorry I fell asleep.’

‘Ah, you did need that rest then, love?’ Elsie grinned. ‘Tammy, this is Wendy. Wendy, this is Tammy.’

‘Hi, Tammy. Lovely to meet you.’ Standing up, Wendy smiled.

‘Lovely to meet you, too. How’s your little boy, Hudson, is it?’

‘He’s okay, thanks. Still not feeling himself, so Connor is staying at home with him. I didn’t want to bring Hudson and then him to spread his germs to everyone.’

‘I told you, love. It would have been fine. If we’re going to catch it, then we will. Enough kids are coming through the bakery on a daily basis and when something’s going around, no one is safe here, anyway.’ Elsie shook her head.

‘I know, but I felt bad.’

‘Well, at least he can hopefully get an early night’s sleep tonight.’ Standing up, Elsie hugged Wendy. ‘Enjoy yourself, love.’

‘I intend to.’ Grinning, Wendy hugged her back.

‘And you, too, Tammy. Have a great time. You’ll get to know the rest of the bakery family.’ Turning to her, Elsie drew Tammy in for a hug. ‘Daisy and Ollie are dropping little Bonnie off but they’re running late so they said to go ahead without them.’

‘Thanks. I’m looking forward to it.’ She loved pub quizzes. She and a group of friends from work always went to the local pub quiz in her hometown, and it was always a fun night. Stepping away, Tammy followed Wendy downstairs and outside. There was a little chill in the air tonight and she was glad she’d chosen to throw on her jumper.

‘How have you been finding working at the bakery? Elsie was saying you’ve been baking?’ Wendy locked the bakery door behind them.

‘I’m really loving it. Yes, I’ve been baking with Elsie. It’s been great to have the opportunity to bake again. I used to bake a lot as a teenager when I’d help out at my gran’s bakery, but I haven’t had the chance much recently. You know, what with working and life stuff. Not to really bake and try new things. How about you? Do you enjoy it?’

‘Oh, I know what you mean. I love baking too, especially decorating cakes, so working at the bakery is like my dream job. I get to be creative with the wedding planning and designing cakes, but I also get to bake and decorate and see a project through from start to finish.’ Wendy grinned as they walked across the cobbles. ‘I must admit, coming here to Elsie’s bakery really turned my life around. I’d never dreamt in a million years that I’d find a job which is everything I enjoy.’

Tammy smiled.

‘I began as a volunteer here too, you see. I was pregnant with Hudson, and Elsie just took me under her wing. She’s just the best.’

‘She is lovely, and I’ve only known her a short while.’ Tammy nodded. She didn’t think she’d ever met anyone quite as kind and welcoming as Elsie. ‘I’m glad I came here too.’

‘It’s up here.’ Wendy pointed to the turning ahead, which led up the hill.

‘Ah, I think this is where I met Carmen on my first day here. Is there a community hall at the top?’

‘Yes, that’s right. Oh, look, there’s Diane and Harry.’ Wendy waved across the road.

Turning, Tammy grinned as Diane grabbed hold of Harry’s hand and they ran across the road towards them. ‘Hi.’

‘Hey, Tammy, this is Harry. Harry, this is Tammy.’

‘Great to meet you, Tammy.’ Harry grinned as they made their way towards the pub.

‘And you.’ Standing back, she let everyone else go through the pub door first. She didn’t know where they were meeting everyone. They did.

‘There they are.’ Tucking her arm through Tammy’s, Diane led the way to a couple of tables pushed together by the window.