Page 10 of My Romeo

I closed my eyes and nodded. “Yes, sir.”

“We’re here!” Olive walked in with Rocky and Cue right behind her. “Is Faye coming with us?” She looked around expectantly. “Where is she?”

Faye was Olive’s best friend and had been staying at the clubhouse since the gym exploded. When she first got here, she had been flitting all about making herself at home, but lately, she had been staying more and more inside her room. Last night, she hadn’t even come out when Sloane and Dove arrived.

I glanced at Fade, who was at the bar digging into a bowl of cereal.

That fucker was the reason why Faye was hiding out in her room, though she didn’t do anything to keep him from being a fucker. The girl had a crush on him the size of Texas, but she couldn’t seem to stop talking about her ex.

A week ago, Fade had finally had enough of Faye talking about her ex, Anthony, and told her to put a sock in it if she couldn’t talk about anything other than her ex.

Faye ran to her room, and I had maybe seen her a handful of times since then.

“Might want to check her room, Olive.” I hitched my thumb toward the hallway. “Heard music coming out of there this morning.”

Olive smiled up at Cue Ball. “Let me go get Faye, and then we can head to the store.”

Cue Ball nodded and sat at the table while the camera crew followed Olive.

“How’s it being on TV?” Rocky tipped his head back and looked up at me. “Think the chicks will dig it?”

“Rocky,” Cue Ball chuckled. “What did I tell you about asking that?”

Rocky sat next to Cue Ball. “Can I stay here while you go shopping? Maybe Yarder or Compass won’t mind me hanging out.”

“Fine with me,” Yarder replied.

“I don’t think–,” Cue Ball’s words died when he realized what Yarder said. “You’re cool with Rocky staying here? Without Olive or me?” he clarified.

Yarder shrugged. “As long as he doesn’t play hide and seek without me knowing, I’m sure we’ll be good.”

Rocky folded his arms over his chest and frowned. “I don’t know why you guys always have to bring that up.”

I ruffled his hair. “Because you scared the living shit out of us, kid, and since you’re okay now, you have to deal with us giving you shit about it for the rest of your life.”

“Doesn’t seem fair,” Rocky grumbled.

“You’ll get used to it, and eventually, one of us will do something stupid and have to deal with the same as you.” Yard nodded toward Fade. “He’ll probably be the next one to mess up.”

“You talking about me?” Fade called. He lifted his cereal bowl to his lips and drank the last of the milk. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and set the bowl down. “I haven’t done shit you guys can make fun of me for.”

“Give it time,” I muttered.

“She’s not coming.” Olive walked back into the common room and folded her arms over her chest. “So I’m not going.”

Sloane and Dove walked into the common room arm in arm. “Are we ready?” Sloane called. She held up a yellow piece of paper over her head and smiled like a deranged hyena. “I’ve made out a list of everything we’ll need for Stretch’s birthday.”

“Faye’s not coming,” Olive cried.

“What? Why?” Sloane demanded. “This is going to be fun.”

“You’re going,” Cue Ball ordered. “Just because Faye is being a stick in the mud doesn’t mean you have to be, too.”

“She’s not being a stick in the mud,” Olive replied defensively. “She’s upset, and I should be there for her.”

Dove held up her fist. “Chicks before dicks,” she cheered.

“But we want her to go out with us,” Sloane pointed out. “Now, if Cue wants her to leave Faye behind for him, then yes, totally chicks before dicks.”