Page 11 of My Romeo

“True, true,” Dove muttered. “What if we just get this shopping out of the way, and then we can get back here to help cheer up Faye?”

“I’m just going to stay here with her, and maybe by the time you guys get back, she’ll be up to coming out of her room,” Olive suggested.

“Fine,” Yarder called. “Cue stays back with Olive and Faye. Throttle and Aero go with Sloane and Dove to the store.”

“Pretty shitty that Yarder doesn’t think that you can handle Sloane and Dove on your own, Aero,” I muttered.

Aero opened his mouth to protest, but Yarder silenced him.

“I fucking said who I want where, and that is what is going to happen!” Yarder thundered. “I said what I said, that’s it.”

The camera was pointed directly at Yarder, and you could have heard a pin drop.

I might have poked the bear a little too much.

“Uh, I think that is a great idea,” Sloane called. “Dove and I can get all sorts of crazy in the grocery store, so it really is best if we have two strong men to handle us.”

“What?” Dove screeched. “Last I checked, I am more than capable of taking care of myself.”

Sloane grabbed Dove’s arm and tugged her toward the door. “We’ll meet you guys at the van,” she sang. Sloane dragged Dove out the door.

“Go,” Yarder growled.

Cue Ball saluted Yarder, and I followed him out the door.

“He lost his shit,” Cue Ball muttered once the door shut.

I lowered my sunglasses over my eyes. “How much you wanna bet Yarder is going to plead with them to delete that footage?”

“I think that is going to be happening more than you think.” Cue headed over to the girls who were standing next to the club van. “There are the troublemakers,” he smirked.

Dove glared at me. “I think the trouble is right next to you.”

Dove didn’t like me. That was fine. I wasn’t a fan of hers either.

Cue Ball held up the keys. “Let’s get out of here before the camera crew follows us.”

“Good fucking idea.” I snatched the keys from him and got into the driver’s seat. Aero and Sloane climbed in the back while Dove got in the passenger seat.

I glanced in the rearview and saw the door to the clubhouse open. “Here they come,” I muttered.

“Go, go,” Aero called. “I don’t know why the hell they would want to come to the fucking grocery store with us.”

I cranked up the van and shifted into drive before the camera crew could even step out of the clubhouse.

“Uh, isn’t the whole point of the reality show to follow you guys around?” Sloane asked. “Aren’t they going to be mad we are trying to lose them?”

I pulled out of the driveway and headed out of town. “I’m not trying to lose them,” I muttered.

“Then why did you just turn when the grocery store is the other way?” Aero laughed.

“I thought we could go to the big grocery store on the outskirts of town,” I shrugged.

“Yarder is going to be so mad at you guys,” Sloane laughed.

My phone rang in my pocket, and I handed it to Dove. “Answer that.”

Dove held the phone up and laughed. “I’m assuming Head Dick is Yarder?”