Page 9 of My Romeo

“I’m in for doing this again tomorrow night,” Yarder called. “It is Stretch’s birthday tomorrow, too.”

“Your birthday?” Sloane called. She pulled out of Aero’s arms and clapped her hands together. “We are totally having a party tomorrow, and Dove will help me plan everything.”

I pointed my finger into my chest. “Me?” I squeaked. I was only interested in winning my money back from Throttle; that was it.

Bikers had birthdays? And then even had birthday parties?

Sure, they had to have birthdays since they, at some point, were baby bikers, but what kind of birthday parties did they have?

Black balloons, beer can garland, and burnouts in the common room?

Sounded like a good time, right?

“We can go shopping in the morning, and then we can cook in the afternoon.” Sloane clapped her hands together happily. “This is going to be so much fun.”

“Whoa, whoa,” I called. “What happened to ordering pizza? Why are we suddenly cooking?”

“Oh, come on, Dove. You love to cook. You could make that fruit pizza.” Sloane raised her hands in the air. “And the veggie pizza, too!”

“Can I get some meat on that veggie pizza?” Pirate chuckled.

I rolled my eyes and stood. “I think I’m going to head to bed. Why don’t we just sleep on what we are going to do tomorrow, yeah?”

“Sure, sure,” Sloane smiled. “I’ll think about it, and then we can nail down exactly what we are going to make.” She turned to Aero. “Do you have a notepad and pen?”

“Night,” I called. I scurried down the hallway to the room Aero had shown me earlier. I slipped into my room and closed the door gently. I leaned against the closed door and let out a deep sigh.

I wasn’t any closer to figuring out if the Iron Fiends were up to something illegal, and now I was going to be cooking for a biker birthday party. Let’s not even talk about Throttle hating me for no reason.

Well, he sort of had a reason, but not.

This was not going to be easy. Not at all.


Chapter Five


“You’re going with Aero and the girls. They’re just waiting for Olive and Rocky to get here. I’m assuming Faye is going with, too.”

I gently set my coffee cup down on the table instead of chucking it against the wall. “No.”

Yarder cocked his head to the side. “Uh, no?”

“Aero can handle taking Sloane and the girls to the store. If you need someone to go with them, have Cue go. His ol’ lady is going along and so is her friend.” It made no sense for me to go with them. I had shit I could do around the clubhouse and the garage. “I can take care of your charity case’s car.”

Yarder glared at me. “No, you can go with Aero and Cue to the store. We still don’t know who or why the gym exploded, and I don’t want anything else to happen. We need to be on alert.”

“You seriously think you need three guys to go to the damn grocery store?”

I felt movement to the side, and I knew the camera crew was focusing on Yarder and me.

Fucking great.

“There any negotiating this?” I asked quietly.

Yarder shook his head. “Negative.”