Page 86 of Break My Fall

Kai led me up the stairs and into my room. I sat on the edge of the bed, exhausted after the climb up the stairs.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” Kai asked as he set my tea on the nightstand, then sat beside me.

“I’m just tired. This baby is sapping me,” I assured him. He looked concerned, but nodded.

“Maybe we could make an appointment with the doc again? She did say to go back if you didn’t feel any better.”

“Yeah, maybe,” I shrugged. “I guess it couldn’t hurt.”

“I’ll tell Hunter to make an appointment.” He cupped my face in his hand and pulled me a little closer so he could kiss the top of my head.

“Do you want to change?” he asked me, and I shook my head. I didn’t have the energy. “Okay. Climb into bed then. Let me tuck you in,” he said with a smile. I stood and he pulled the comforter back for me.

Once I was sat against the headboard comfortably he covered me with the comforter and tucked it around me like he really was tucking me in.

“This is a first,” I laughed.

“Hunt and I used to do it for the twins when they first came to live with us. Before their parents died, they used to tuck them in every night, and it made them smile when we would do it, until they got too old to be tucked in, of course,” he chuckled.

“That’s so sweet,” I sighed, imagining them all so much younger, Kai and Hunt who were only months older, taking care of the twins and trying to make their pain just that little bit less.

“Are you comfortable? Can I get you anything?” he offered as he studied me.

“I’m good, Kai. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome, beautiful.” He leaned over the bed and kissed me. He took his time and explored my mouth a little before pulling back. “Get some sleep. I’ll wake you when dinner is ready, okay?”

“Okay,” I agreed. I watched him leave the room, still somewhat mesmerized by the fact we were together. Would it ever feel real?


“Now I gots to add a secret ‘gredient, so you gots to look away, Mommy,” Willow told me very seriously.

“Don’t I get to know what the secret ingredient is?” I asked with a pout.

“Sorry, but it’s just me who gots to know, or anyone can make the magic potion,” she explained solemnly.

“Well, if you put it like that. We wouldn’t want just anyone running around with magical potions, would we?” I struggled to get up from where I had been crouched beside the tub and turned my back so she could add the final ingredient to the potion she had been creating with water and foam from the bubbles, in the little plastic watering can she had.

“Oh no. That woulds be bad,” she agreed.

I took the chance to lean back against the vanity counter and catch my breath. I had slept for a couple of hours earlier, Hunter waking me with a gentle kiss for dinner.

It had been odd sitting around the table with all four guys and Willow, knowing what we had decided the night before – knowing we were going to try and make a relationship between the five of us work. We shared a lot of knowing smiles, and I couldn’t look at Kai without blushing and replaying all we had done the previous night, in my head. It had also felt wonderfully domestic, all of us chatting about our days and the guys helping Willow with her food. It gave me a glimpse of what we could all have if we could make it work, and I wanted all of it. It was a glimpse into a future I could only dream of.

After dinner we had played some board games with Willow, which again, had just been another scenario of domestic bliss. By the time it was Willow’s bed time, I had been completely wiped out once again, feeling like I hadn’t even slept just a couple of hours earlier. I wouldn’t have been too worried, since the running theme of this pregnancy seemed to be me feeling drained, but there was also the realization that the baby hadn’t moved when I had gotten out of bed, which he or she nearly always did.

I was trying not to worry about it too much. The baby’s movements were unpredictable at best and if he or she had moved position maybe I wouldn’t feel the movements as strongly.

“Hey. Do you need any help?” I looked up and found Hunter in the doorway. He had changed from the shirt and slacks he had on earlier, and was now wearing a pair of dark shorts and a deep red t-shirt that clung to his muscular frame underneath and perfectly complimented his coloring. His feet were bare and I had the strange realization that in all of the time I had known him, I had never seen his bare feet.

“Hunter! I made a magic potion!” Willow cried excitedly as she held up her watering can.

“You did? I didn’t know you were a witch,” Hunter replied animatedly. He stepped into the room and crouched at the side of the bath, giving her his full attention.

“I am not a witch!” Willow pouted. “I’m a magical fairy. Witches are ugly. I’m not ugly, Hunter.”

“No you are not, munchkin. You’re beautiful. How could I make such a terrible mistake?” he gasped with mock horror.