Page 85 of Break My Fall

“Sit down, Maddie. Have you eaten?” Sam asked as he pulled a chair at his side out for me. I moved over and collapsed tiredly into it.

“We stopped for lunch between the viewings, thanks.”

“How about some tea then?”

“I don’t want to interrupt your game.”

“I’m out already. As Willow so kindly pointed out, this isn’t really my game,” Sam laughed.

“Thank goodness for your pasta cooking skills, huh?” I joked, making him smile. “Tea would be amazing, thank you,” I added when he got to his feet.

I sat back and watched Kai and Willow finish their game. I had no idea what the rules were, but Willow was winning and she was making no secret of it. Her delight was clear to see.

“I win! Again!” she cried a few minutes later, pumping her fist in the air in victory.

“How do you do that? Are you cheating?” Kai asked playfully, a mock pout on his face.

“I don’ts cheat!” Willow was outraged at the accusation, standing on her chair, and slamming her hands on her hips.

“Of course not. I’m so sorry I even suggested it. I guess I’m just a bad loser,” Kai told her, trying to hide his grin.

“It’s okay,” she leaned on the table and put a hand on his shoulder. “I’ll let you win the next game, okay?”

Kai burst out laughing as Sam returned with a steaming cup of green tea for me. I thanked him and cupped my hands around the mug, feeling a little chilled despite the warm, sunny day outside.

“Come on, little miss. Come and help me make some dinner,” Sam said as he scooped Willow up and carried her off to the other end of the kitchen.

“You okay? You seem tired?” Kai asked as he leaned across the table and placed a hand over mine against the cup.

“Just tired. Someone kept me up late last night,” I teased.

“I don’t recall you complaining,” he replied smugly. I smiled, unable to argue. I certainly hadn’t been complaining.

“Has Willow been okay? Did she behave?” I asked, needing to change the subject before I found myself jumping at Kai all over again.

“She was an angel, as always. We went to the park, then called in at the store to pick up some groceries. She even helped me in the store.”

“She loves grocery shopping,” I laughed. “It’s about the most exciting thing she got to do before we came here.”

“Well, she’s brilliant at it. She knew where all the shit on the list would be. I’m taking her with me every time. I can never find a thing on my own,” he laughed.

I took a sip of my tea and relaxed back in the chair, closing my eyes for a moment. I felt drained. Even though the pills the doctor gave me had eased the nausea, I was still exhausted all of the time and having issues with my blood pressure. This pregnancy was no easy ride, that was for sure.

“Come on,” I opened my eyes and found Kai stood at my side, picking up my cup of tea from the table.

“What? Where?” I asked. How had he moved without me hearing him?

“Up to your room. You’re exhausted. You need to rest. You can drink this in bed,” he told me.

“But Willow…”

“She’s fine, Maddie. She’ll be busy with Sam until dinner is ready anyway, and I’ll keep an eye on her too. Come on, sunshine.” He grabbed my hand and eased me to my feet, then wrapped his free hand around my back, my tea in his other.

I turned to find my daughter, who was carefully trying to peel a carrot under Sam’s close supervision.

“Willow, I’ll just be in my room if you want me, okay honey?” I asked.

“’kay mommy,” she agreed without even turning to look at me.