Page 87 of Break My Fall

“I was gonna tell you my special ‘gredient too, but now you don’t gets to know,” she told him firmly.

“Hey!” I cried. “How come he gets to know the secret ingredient and I don’t?”

“Now no one gets to know, so there!”

“Okay peanut. Come on, time to get out.” I grabbed a towel and moved over to the tub, but Hunter stood and took the towel from me.

“I’ll grab her. You look tired,” he told me. I smoothed a hand over my hair subconsciously, wondering just how bad I looked, but of course Hunter read my mind, as always.

“Don’t. You’re beautiful, baby. You’re always beautiful.” He leaned in and kissed the top of my head, then turned back to Willow who was busy with her watering can once again.

I left him to get her out of the tub, glad I didn’t have to lift her, and went through to her room to grab her some pajamas.

She was laughing loudly as Hunter brought her through, wrapped in the huge fluffy towel. Once he had her set down on the bed I got her dried off and into the sunshine yellow pajamas I had picked out. Hunter was laughing and joking with her throughout, and it made me feel so good inside to see how happy she was. I had been so worried she would be mentally scarred by what she saw Edward do to me, and by what he did to her, but being there with the guys, in a place where she felt safe enough to be herself, it had healed her and she was now the joyful, mischievous three year old I had always hoped she would get the chance to be.

“Can he, mommy?” Willow asked, pulling me from my thoughts. I looked up, confused. “Can Hunter read me a story tonight?”

I glanced to Hunter where he was perched on the edge of Willow’s bed, and he smiled to assure me he was good with doing that.

“Sure, honey. Go and pick a story book.”

“I already knows which one I want,” she cried as she leapt to the foot of the bed and slid down the elephant trunk slide. She grabbed a book from the shelves – one of her favorites – and then hurried back up again.

“How about you give your mom a hug good night, then she can go and do other things while we read this, okay?” Hunter suggested and before I realized what was happening, Willow was leaping across the bed at me. I just managed to catch her before she ploughed into me, laughing at her antics. She wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me tightly, then moved back enough to kiss my cheek with a wet smack.

“Night, night mommy,” she said softly. I kissed the top of her head and told her ‘goodnight.’ By the time I got to my feet to leave the room, Hunter had her tucked into bed and he was sat right beside her, his arm around her and the book open before them. Tears filled my eyes as I just stood looking at them. That was what I had always wanted for my daughter – to have a father who showed her the love and care she deserved. Hunter would give her that. They all would. They could give her, and my unborn child the stability that I had been unable to offer so far in their lives. Maybe they could give me that too.



After leaving Willow with Hunter, I went right to my room to shower and change. I needed the shower to try and clear my had before I allowed my emotions to take over once again. It had been an overwhelming couple of days, in an amazing way, but I wasn’t exactly great at keeping a rein on my emotions with this pregnancy and I didn’t want to end up a crying wreck.

I knew I was lucky. Things had gone better since the night I walked away from Edward, than I ever imagined they could have. I had gotten my guys back after thirteen years of pining for them. I had found out Nico had feelings for me, and admitted my own feelings for him. They had all told me they loved me and wanted me, and I had the chance for such a bright future. Nico was staying. That had been a huge relief, but most of all – the greatest relief for me was how happy and settled Willow was there. It was all amazing, but overwhelming at the same time.

I took a deep breath then leaned my head back under the spray to wash my hair. I knew I just needed to take each day as it came. I needed to focus on all of the good and try to stop worrying about the doomy possibilities of what could happen.

I jumped, snapping my head up and my eyes open at the sound of the glass shower screen sliding open. Cold air assaulted me and I instinctively covered my breasts when I saw Hunter stood there.

“Hunt…” I gasped.

“Sorry. I know I should have asked before, or knocked or something, but I couldn’t help myself. I had to walk in here when I knew you were behind this glass, naked.” He explained a little shyly.

“Is Willow okay?” I asked, worried she’d come in there and find us together.

“She fell asleep halfway through the story. She’s out. I turned on the monitor so we’ll hear her if she wakes up.”

I swallowed the lump in my throat and pushed past my nerves, dropping my hands to my side, and sending him a small smirk.

“Well, what are you waiting for?” I asked, taking what I wanted without any guilt or regret. This was what I needed to do – embrace the good.

Hunter smirked, then closed the door. I could see the movement of him shedding his clothes through the steam covered glass, and my core clenched in anticipation of finally seeing him naked – of putting my hands on his perfect body. Maybe it was fast, but I didn’t care. I had waited thirteen years for Hunter, Kai, and Cameron. I was done waiting.

Hunter opened the door again and stepped in. I turned to face him, not wanting to miss the opportunity to see him in all of his naked glory, and it was magnificent. He was as ripped and toned as I thought he would be from the times I had been pressed against him, in his arms. He had a very defined six pack, and his shoulders and biceps rippled. His skin was golden and there was a smattering of hair down his chest, leading all the way down his stomach. His legs were wide and muscular, covered with a dark covering of hair that looked masculine.

He stepped under the spray, tipping his head back and pushing his hands through his hair as it became drenched. It was like a perfectly choreographed scene of some superstar in an ad campaign. He looked spectacular and my body was humming with need for his touch. As he lowered his head, I moved behind him, sliding my hands under his arms and wrapped them around his body as much as I could. I pressed my wet, naked body against his back, as the blissfully hot water rained soothingly down over us both.

“Maddie…” he said as he turned and put his hands on my waist, lifting me until we were eye to eye. “I’ve wanted this for so many years,” he told me.