She steps back. “No way, my hair took forever. Suck it up big boy.”
My front teeth bite down onto my bottom lip, and I screw my eyes tightly closed.
“Is it possible to die from an erection that’s too hard? Like, maybe we should just relieve some of the pressure?” I beg.
“What on earth is with you tonight?” she chuckles.
I compose myself and open my eyes taking nice big breaths.
“Peaches, this is the same event we met at. The first time I ever laid eyes on you, the last time I ever really saw anyone else.”
She wraps her hands around my neck. “I know it is.”
“You do? You remember?” She nods and licks her lips.
“Yes, I remember, and I want this night to end very, very differently.” She kisses me gently, probably not wanting to ruin her lipstick and I try to summon all my strength to not ravage, savage and utterly defile her.
“You are gonna freak when you see who just walked in here,” Adam says.
“Who?” I ask absentmindedly waiting for Coralie to come back from the ladies.
“Nick. Fucking. Jonas.”
The sip of beer burns as it travels down the wrong pipe, and I erupt into a coughing fit.
“Shit,” I wheeze. “Why would you say something like that?”
At that, Rex and Casey turn up beside me practically giddy.
“Gunn, you will never believe who’s standing at the bar!”
“I…oh god is it really him?”
“It is.”
“Honey! Nooo, that sounds too much like Mama. Gunner, guess who’s here? Nick Jonas!”
“Why would he be here? I mean it’s a good cause and all, but isn’t he like super busy?” My neck starts to heat, and I pull on my bow tie.
“I think you should go say hi,” Coralie’s smile is wide and toothy.
“Naaaaw. He’s not a Wolves fan. He loves the Devils, they’re his home team,” I toe at nothing on the patterned carpet.
Adam flaps. “I need to go find Callan, Gunner is totally fangirling and he’s missing it all!”
“Will you fuck off, eh? I’m not fan…boying.” He still jerks his head trying to spot Callan.
“Gunner Grey, don’t you want a selfie with a Jonas brother?” Coralie teases.
“I…” I straighten up. “You know what? Fuck it. Yeah, I do.”
She giggles and takes my hand. While being in the NHL we’ve rubbed shoulders with many A-list stars, and I haven’t given a flying fuck about any of them. And not to blow my own horn or whatever ever, but I do play professional hockey—in New York!
I don’t know why I’m making a big deal about it. This event is jam-packed with models, some of New York’s elite. Goddamn it, I’ve just had a half hour conversation with Brian Leetch and that’s just one of many over the years. If there’s any time to get starry-eyed it’s then.
But there’s just something about this tiny pop star that feels different. Leetch is an idol, a legend. I play Nick Jonas songs every day. We walk over to where Nick Jonas is ordering a drink when Adam bursts right out of himself.