“Nick, hi. Adam Hollywood, it’s nice to meet you,” he says shaking his tiny hand.
“Likewise, although I’m not so happy about last season’s opener. That was embarrassing.”
“Yeah well, Jersey needed to be brought down a peg.” He laughs and then shakes everyone’s hand and introduces some music exec to the group, which still doesn’t include Callan. As the person standing furthest to his right, I’m the last to be introduced.
“Hiya, I’m Nick Jonas. I mean, shit! You’re Nick Jonas,” I sputter, shaking my head, my cheeks flaming as I do. My so-called friends cannot contain their laughter.
“I’m Gunner.”
“It’s nice to meet you all. Shame about your playoff run,” he says with a smirk.
“Further than your precious Devils,” Casey reminds him.
“True, True.”
We talk for a few minutes, and he tells us about a project he’s working on and then someone taps him on the shoulder, talking in his ear.
“I need to go say hi to a few people. But hey, go easy on my boys next time,” he says with a wink as he turns to leave.
“Oh, before you go, do you mind taking a quick selfie?” Coralie asks him.
“Sure, no problem.” He’s so obliging, such a nice guy. Yeah I know, I’m gushing.
She passes me her phone and then we huddle in for the shot.
“On three, shout Devils!” he says through a smile.
We laugh and I snap the pic.
“Thanks again man, can’t wait to hear what comes next,” I manage to get out.
“Take care guys,” and then he’s gone.
“It’s great, Gunner. Look.” Coralie says as she passes me the phone.
I cringe as I take in the photo. These dickheads have taken a step back so it’s just me with my arm thrown around Nick Jonas, big cheesy smile and all.
“I am never gonna live this down, am I?”
“Nope,” Rex laughs as he downs the last of his drink. “Come on let’s go get drunk for the last time this summer.”
He grabs three champagne flutes off a tray and hands them to the girls, then as a group we go in search of more beer.
“Shall we dance?” Coralie laughs but it dies when she realizes I’m serious.
“Oh gosh, yes I would love that very much.”
I pass Casey my beer and leave my jacket with our group, then lead her out onto the dance floor.
“I’m not much of a dancer,” I admit, “but that first night I had an urge to ask you.”
Her eyes glisten as she looks up at me. “Well, we’re doing it now.” I lean down and give her the softest, slowest kiss I can muster, and when I’m done, she sways like she’s in a daze.
“I love you, Gunner Grey, can we go home now?”
“It would be my pleasure.” Once the song has finished, we say bye to our friends and collect up our things. Casey tells me to take the car as he and Anna will share with the others.
“So how was it meeting him?” Coralie asks as she nuzzles into me on the ride home.