“There’s no one here but you and me, sweetheart. Promise,” I say as I brush her damp hair from her forehead.
A single tear runs down her cheek and it breaks my heart to see her crying.
“Jessie,” I breathe, desperate to touch her.
“Are you sure there’s no one here?” she looks up at me through her long, dark lashes.
“One hundred percent. I’ve been watching the security monitors all night. You’re safe.”
“Well, except from you,” she laughs softly and I smile at her. “You’re the most dangerous of them all, Shane Ryan.” She reaches up and brushes her fingertips over my cheek.
I swallow hard as I use every ounce of restraint not to pin her down and fuck her until I forget why I shouldn’t.
“Will you stay with me for a little while? Just until I fall back asleep?” she breathes and I wonder if she’s purposely trying to make me hard or whether my body is just hardwired to react to hers this way.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
“Just to lay here with me. I promise I won’t try to take advantage of you.” She smiles faintly but I see right through her because she is trembling in fear. Whatever the Wolf did to her has left scars that I suspect will never heal.
“Well, now you’re just taking all the fun out of it,” I say as I lie on the bed beside her. I resist the urge to wrap my arms around her because I know where that will lead. She will rest her head on my chest and I will smell her hair and feel the warmth and the softness of her body against mine, and then I will be completely fucking undone.
She shifts onto her side until we lie face to face. “I enjoyed working with you today,” she whispers. “You’re a very good underling.”
“Well, don’t get used to it, Hacker. I give the orders around here, remember?”
“How could I forget?” She smiles and the tension starts to slip from her body and her eyelids flutter. “Thank you for staying with me.”
“Any time. Now get some sleep.”
“Yes, Sir,” she purrs and the sound makes a direct line to my cock. I bite my lip as I watch her eyes closing and she drifts back off to sleep. I could leave now because I’ve done what she asked of me. So, why am I still lying here staring at her.
Music thumps in my ears as I make my way through the crowded club toward my office at the back. A blonde wearing the tiniest yellow dress I have ever seen pushes her tits up against me as I squeeze past. I shake my head at her and walk on by. She’s not my type, but perhaps twelve months ago, I might have taken her to my office for a quick fuck. However, I have no interest in any woman other than Jessie, who I hope is being fucked by my older brother right now, because I need the two of them to work their shit out.
I’ve missed her these past two days. It was nice having her all to myself for a while, but I love the way she is with my brothers. She makes all of us happier and easier to be around. She makes our home a much better place, adding something that none of us even realized was missing. I realize I’ve got a goofy grin on my face from thinking about her, when one of my bouncers approaches me and asks me what I’m so happy about.
“What?” I shake my head and remember that I’m supposed to be a tough guy down here.
“I said what are you so happy about?” Chester asks.
“Nothing that you need to concern yourself with. What’s up?”
Chester signals that we should go into my office and we walk the few yards to it and step inside, where we can hear each other better.
“So?” I frown.
“We got some girl out front demanding to get in here to see you, is all.”
“You recognize her?”
“No. But she’s tall. Brunette. Your usual type,” he says with a shrug. “At least, she used to be.”
My frown turns to a scowl now. “Why didn’t you just let her in anyway?” I ask. I don’t know who she is and I don’t particularly want to see her, but if she’s my previous usual type, then she would have no problem getting into this club.