Chester looks down at his feet for a split second before he answers me. “Well, here’s the thing. We couldn’t let her in ‘cause she’s got a kid with her.”

“A kid?”

“In a stroller,” he nods.

I have no idea what’s going on and I don’t like being blindsided like this. “Did she give a name?” I ask him.

“No, Boss,” he shakes his head. “She just said that you’d recognize her, and…” He doesn’t finish his sentence, instead he just looks at me with a strange expression on his face.

“And what, Chester? For fuck’s sake! Stop talking in riddles.”

“She kinda nodded her head to the kid, you know? Like you’d recognize him?”

“What the fuck?” I snarl, wracking my brains to think of any woman I’ve slept with in the past few years who I could have knocked up. But I can’t. I always use protection, at least until Jessie. But Chester is right. Brunettes used to be my type, and while I didn’t ever take many up to the apartment in recent years, I certainly indulged in my fair share of brief encounters in my office. But I was always super careful. I always used a condom. And I always disposed of it myself. “How old was he? The kid?”

“I dunno. A baby still. Maybe one?”

“Fuck, Chester. This is all I need.”

“She’s probably just trying it on, Boss. After some greenback to make her disappear quietly. I told her to take a hike, but she’s starting to make a scene.”

“Take her around the back and tell her I’ll meet her there,” I say with a sigh.

“Want me to come with her?”

“No. I’ll handle it myself,” I snap.

Chester nods and walks out of my office and I pour myself a whiskey and knock it back, enjoying the liquid warming my throat on its way down. Whoever the hell this woman is, I’m convinced that it’s not my kid she has with her.

A few minutes later, I step into the alleyway behind the club, pulling the collar of my jacket up against my neck in the icy wind. The mystery woman is standing waiting for me, complete with kid in a stroller. It’s after midnight and there isn’t much light back here, so I have to strain my eyes to see her. Chester was right. She has long dark hair, big tits and a pretty face and is exactly the kind of woman I used to fuck around with, but I have never seen this one before in my life. And I have never been wasted enough to fuck someone I wouldn’t remember. So who the hell is she and what the hell does she want with me?




As I look around the packed club, I strain my eyes to spot Liam and Conor, but I can’t see either of them. The last time I saw my twin he was throwing a few underage college kids out, while trying to fight off a particularly handsy one who seemed to have taken quite a shine to him. He asked me to help him out but I was too busy laughing at the panic stricken look on his face.

Six months ago, being felt up by a twenty year old with hardly any clothes on would have been a good night out for him, and me. But that was before Jessie. Two more hours in this place for me and then I’ll be joining her.

Liam and I have been pulling double shifts almost every night in this place while Conor was away, so tonight is my turn for an early finish. And that means I get Jessie all to myself. I cannot wait to crawl into bed beside her and fuck her senseless. My cock throbs at the thought of being inside her hot, wet pussy and the sound of my name on her lips when she comes.

I rearrange my cock in my suit pants to relieve the growing pressure and one of the barmaids notices me and gives me a huge smile. Damn. The pussy in this place is fine, and it’s wall to wall every single night. But I have no interest in any of these women anymore and that is as much is a surprise to me as anyone. I had never been in love. I used to think it was a crock of shit. But fuck me, I would die for that feisty little red-head upstairs.

I scan around for Liam and Conor again as I feel a hand on my shoulder. I spin around and come face to face with a guy about my age with a bright green Mohawk.

I frown at him.

“You’re Mikey, right?” he shouts over the music.

“Depends who’s asking.”

“Jessie,” he replies and the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end.

“Jessie?” I snarl at him, because as far as I know she is safely tucked up in bed about eight floors above us.

“She’s looking for you. She asked me to find you for her.”