“Good,” she says with a smile.

“Our hacker did good,” I say and I don’t miss the look of pride on her face. “Jessie found the name of the company that owns Alexei’s house in Connecticut, as well as another property in the area. I’ve sent some of our men to do some recon on the other property and they haven’t reported back yet. But I suspect we might have found Alexei.”

“Fuck. You two work fast,” Conor says with a grin.

“It was all Jessie. I’ve been looking into this fucker for two months and had nothing.”

“You helped,” she says.

“Yeah, as your gofer.”

She opens her mouth as though to reply and I wink at her, making her smile and blush.

“So, what’s our next move?” Conor asks.

“We need to strike soon, before he finds out Jessie is here.”

“How soon?” she asks.

“Like tomorrow night soon? Are you both okay with that?”

“Yes. The sooner he takes his last breath on this earth, the better as far as I’m concerned,” Jessie replies.

“Fine by me,” Conor adds with a nod before he stands up. “You done for the day?” he asks her.

“Yep.” She switches off the computer and stands too. “You didn’t need me to do anything else, did you?” She turns to me.

“Nope. We’re all done,” I say and wince at my choice of words, because she and I really are all done.

“Good. I need you to help me shower before I go to work.” Conor winks at her and then he slides his hand on to her ass as she reaches him, and squeezes before leaning down and kissing her. She stands on her tiptoes and kisses him back before the two of them say goodnight to me and walk out the door.




It’s after midnight when I finally head to bed. Conor and the twins are working in the club and Jessie must be in bed because I didn’t see her when I passed the den. As I near her room, I stop outside for a few seconds. How easy it would be to walk in there and crawl into bed next to her, running my hands over her soft, warm skin and tasting every inch of her before I bury my cock in her sweet cunt. I groan out loud. Why the hell did I go and fuck everything up? Just sex. That was what we were supposed to be. And if I had kept it that way, I wouldn’t have been so fucking cut up about her leaving. We could have gone back to just sex.

But there is no just sex with Jessie. She is under my skin, and my heart sinks as I realize she probably always will be. I want to hate her but I just can’t. I love her but I don’t trust her. And I don’t know how I’m going to be able to live under the same roof as her and deal with these feelings, because it damn near killed me to see her walking out of my office with Conor earlier today, knowing they were probably on their way to fuck and being acutely aware of the fact that she and I will never get to do that again.

“No. Volk!” the high pitched shriek comes from Jessie’s room and I don’t even think before I burst into the room and run to the bed. I heave a sigh of relief that she’s just having a nightmare, having half expected to come face to face with the elusive Wolf from the terror in her voice.

I turn on the lamp on her nightstand and sit on the bed beside her as she whimpers and thrashes beneath the covers.

“Jessie,” I say softly and she shouts something unintelligible, but the terror on her face is real as beads of perspiration run down her forehead.

I place my hand on her arm and note the heat from her skin. “Jessie,” I say, louder this time, and her eyes snap open.

“Shane,” she gasps as her eyes dart around the room.

“Yeah, it’s just me. You were having a nightmare.”

She swallows hard and wipes her forehead with her hand. “He was here,” she stammers.

“The Wolf?”

She nods furiously.