“Brianna, you didn’t tell us you were bringing a guest,” the oldest in the room said as footsteps headed down the hallway towards them.

“Hi Mom,” Brianna stated kissing her cheek as she set the pie onto the counter waiting for her grandmother, father, and brothers-in-law to come into the room before doing the introductions as they took off their coats.

“There’s my sugar plum,” her father said moving over to hug her tightly before stopping, staring at Carter in question, taking in his slacks and sweater compared to her brother-in-law’s jeans and tees. “Who’s the suit?”

“Dad be nice,” she said giving Carter a grin before kissing her grandmother’s cheek who studied her intently lifting a brow at her as she smiled.

“You’re finally making me a great-grandmother aren’t you, angel?” she whispered making Brianna’s jaw drop slightly.

“How did you know?” she replied just as softly.

“It’s a gift and you’re positively glowing,” Grandma Helen stated patting her left hand where the ring sat. “He’s done you good.”

“He has,” she assured her grandmother before moving back to Carter’s side with a smile at him. “Everyone this is Carter Russells…yes he’s my boss…”

“Only between eight and five, the rest of the time that’s you, honey,” Carter teased, as he slipped his arm around her waist.

“Now before any of you say anything…I’ve got something for Mom and Dad,” she said taking the wrapped photo from her bag and handed it over to them. She watched as they unwrapped it and her mom’s eyes grew wide with shock as her dad’s shoulders tensed.

“Surprise…” she stated sliding her left hand up to rest on Carter’s chest. He pressed a kiss to her temple as his hand came up to cup hers and she saw the looks her sisters shared.

“You eloped?!” her mother cried, and she nodded.

“You little brat, we wanted to tell you ‘we’re not wearing that’ a billion times like you did to us,” Grace said coming over to see the ring and hug her. “That’s a rock, Sissa.”

“It is,” Ashely agreed, and she introduced them and their husbands to Carter before turning to introduce her grandmother who gave Carter a hug, adding a squeeze to his black slacks covered bum that made her laugh.

“He works out,” Grandma Helen teased with a pointed look at Tyler who was only two years older than he was.

“I try,” Carter said as her parents came over to them. “Mr. Nichols…”

“If my little girl married you it means you love her, so you’d better not do anything to hurt her, you hear me?” Alexander stated and he nodded.

“Will never happen sir, she’s my world,” Carter assured him, and he stepped aside letting her mother give her a hug.

“You know how much I wanted to plan your wedding. I’ve been dreaming about this for years Brianna…what am I supposed to look forward to now?” Veronica questioned giving her a sad look that put a bright smile on her face.

“The end of May and your grandbaby?” she offered, and her mom’s eyes widened, a hand flying up to her chest as she sank down on a stool.

“A grand…grand…baby…” she stuttered, and Brianna handed over the copy of the ultrasound photo from her first appointment, just before the eight-week mark. “Oh, my girl…at least one of you is finally giving me a baby.”

“Alright, how far along are you and when exactly did you marry my granddaughter, young ‘un?” Grandma Helen questioned making her laugh.

“We’re at…thirteen and a half weeks,” she said easily knowing they wouldn’t care they married for the baby, they’d just be happy she was married.

“And we’ve been married for almost four weeks now,” Carter added kissing her temple again. “We found out about the baby about six weeks ago but had a conference in New York and wanted to wait until we got home to get married. We might have rushed it a bit because of the baby but I fell for Brianna the moment we met, just didn’t realize it until recently.”

“My baby’s having a baby?” her dad questioned, and she nodded, finding herself pulled out of Carter’s hold and hugged tightly. “It’ll be a little girl just like you…”

“I’m hoping for a boy,” she countered giving Carter a wink.

“No, a little girl just like you sugar plum, that’s all we need,” her dad said but she knew if it were a boy that he’d become ecstatic and show how happy he was that it was a boy.

“We’ll see,” she mused breathing a bit easier once they let them take a seat. Her family started grilling Carter, he answered things honestly, telling them about their work together, and for the first time, her sisters didn’t seem to sneer at the name executive assistant.

“I have to say I’m surprised you’re having a baby,” Grace said giving her a long look after her father took Carter out for a little man-to-man talk.

“Why do you say that?” she asked, pausing her movements as she peeled the potatoes.