“I wasn’t complaining, was I?” she teased earning a kiss.
“No, you weren’t, why don’t we cut out early? No one will dare say a word about it.”
“Marsha’s coming up to sit with me, walk through the week-end routine I do,” she said, and he nodded kissing her softly as the door opened and Marsha came into the outer office. “Quick supper and a nap sounds great once we get home.”
“I’ll have Nora make something light for us, dinner in bed,” he suggested, and she nodded before moving out to meet Marsha.
“I didn’t mean to interrupt anything,” the woman who was nicely rounded around the middle said smiling at her.
“You didn’t,” she assured her covering a yawn as she walked her through her normal fifteen-minute routine. She yawned mid-sentence pulling a smile from Marsha as she glanced at the phones.
“You should tell that husband of yours you need some sleep,” she said picking up the line.
Brianna listened halfway to the conversation, nodding in approval when she routed it to Financial rather than bother Carter with it. He moved out towards them and dropped a kiss onto the top of her head making her eyes close.
“Take her home Mr. Russells; I dare say she needs some sleep,” Marsha mused making him laugh.
“That she does,” he agreed pulling her up from the chair. “You can handle the phones for the rest of the day?”
“I’ve got it covered,” she agreed, and Brianna went over to the cabinet to pull out her bag.
Her head spun as she straightened and put out her hand to catch herself, shutting her fingers in the door as Carter hurried over to her. He sat her down in the extra chair and checked on her fingers before cupping her cheek in worry.
“Brianna, honey what’s wrong?” he asked noting her paleness as he knelt down in front of her.
“I’m fine…I think I just stood up too fast,” she said leaning into his touch.
“You’re sure?” he questioned rubbing his finger gently over hers.
“I’m fine, it’s not the first time I’ve felt dizzy,” she said quietly as he kissed her hand softly. “It’s normal and I’m fine…”
“I think you should call the doctor and make sure everything’s okay,” he argued making her grin slightly at his worry. She reached into her bag taking out the information Janelle had given her at her last appointment and showed it to him, the ‘when to call, when to make an appointment, and when to go to the ER’ pamphlet that’d calmed her nerves greatly the last few weeks.
“See, I’m fine,” she said before looking at Marsha who seemed a bit concerned. “You have three kids, right? Can you please tell this overcautious, crazy man that feeling a little dizzy is no need to instantly flip out over when you’re in the first trimester?”
“You’re pregnant?” Marsha asked and she nodded making the woman smile giving Carter a knowing glance. “It’s true…I probably fainted on my husband five times during each pregnancy. Something about the increase of blood circulation makes it more possible…”
“Alright I’ll back off for now but if it continues then I’m calling, I need you healthy and happy, especially when we go home for Thanksgiving to tell your family the news,” he said kissing her temple as he helped her up from the chair.
“Goodnight Mr. Russells, Brianna, have a good weekend,” Marsha called after them.
“Thank you Marsha, and for now can you keep our news to yourself?” Brianna asked and the woman nodded letting her go home with Carter with ease.
He brought up a tray of fresh fruit, a vegetable omelet that made her mouth water, and an ice pack to put on her hand where a light bruise was forming. When she finished, he set it aside, pulling back the covers for her, and she slipped her robe off seeing the way his eyes took in her curves, but he made no move to entice her putting a light smile on her lips as he tucked her into the covers.
“Sleep, I’ll be right here honey,” he said softly brushing her hair until she slid into a nap that lasted until the early hours of the morning.
When she slid her hands down his body after returning to the bed, he woke, stealing her lips and enflaming her until she was back asleep, holding her against him and making her wish things between them were real. She wanted it to be real, but she’d have to deal with what they had. They were sharing this part of themselves and a baby, and she’d have to be happy with what she could get.
Chapter 5
“Ready for this?” Brianna asked lifting a brow at Carter as they pulled into her parents’ driveway. “We could always hurry back to the city, say something came up and we couldn’t make it…”
“No, we’re going to go inside, tell your parents about us and the baby, and take it from there,” he said, parking the car where she indicated before moving around to open her door for her. He gave her a light kiss as she grabbed the pie that had tantalized him all evening, but not nearly as much as she had tantalized him.
They were closing in on their one-month anniversary but first they had to make it through this weekend and her parents. This would be the biggest test, not to mention her sisters who were also going to be here today, or from the looks of the other cars, already were there.
Brianna moved around to the side door, the kitchen door he discovered as she opened it and moved inside with a smile. He heard her name exclaimed by a few female voices and stepped in behind her to see what her sisters were like.