“Come on Brianna, you’ve never been the maternal type, always playing sports, going fishing with Dad,” Grace stated giving her that look that said they’d fully dismissed her again. “You never would dress up or babysit when someone asked.”

“So, because of that, stuff that was when I was a teenager, you find it so strange that I would be happy, ecstatic, to be having a baby with the man I love?” Brianna retorted letting her irritation wash through her. “Everything you do as a teen doesn’t automatically dictate what happens in your future.”

“Well at least we now know why you stuck with that ridiculous job for so long,” Ashley stated, and her anger piqued hotly thanks to her added hormones.

“Excuse me?”

“Oh, come on…who wants to be stuck as an ‘executive assistant’ all their life? It’s obvious that you only stayed because you were in love with Carter, which I can understand but seriously it should not have taken you five years to land him…”

Brianna tossed the half-peeled potato down into the bowl and pushed back her chair standing as she glared at her sisters. “For your information, I haven’t been trying to ‘land’ Carter for years. I didn’t even know I liked him let alone loved him untilhekissedme. As for my choice of career, go to hell…I like, no, love my job. I’m great at what I do and when Carter’s out of the office, I’m the one in charge. I dare you to handle my workload foroneday, instantly route people to the right place in a company of over eight hundred employees, of which I know each and every one. It may not require an MBA or law degree but it sure as hell isn’t a job just anyone can do. Why don’t you stop being such snobs and realize that your comments, whether about my job and especially about the happiest events in my life, are hurtful, and I’m sick of it!”

“Someone’s being a bitch, sure you’re not PMSing?” Ashley snorted infuriating her fully.

“My god, can you for one damn day, realize that there are people who think differently than you? Are you that miserable that you honestly have to rain on my happiness? You have to use my choice of how to get married to try to lord yourself over me again. You have thenerveto say you’re surprised that I’m having a baby and happy about it. News flash, I’m not you. I don’t care if you never wanted kids because I do and always have. I will gladly have this one and another if we’re blessed with it. You’re not damn queens so stop acting like I should follow your every choice!”

Brianna swung around quickly, catching sight of Carter’s face as a wave of dizziness overtook her. She stumbled then was in Carter’s arms as he lifted her tightly against his chest carrying her into the living room worry flooding his face. He laid her out on the couch and caressed her cheek as her eyes cleared.

“Drama queen much?” Ashley said and Carter swung around shooting her a black stare of death. “What? She got herself worked up over nothing.”

“It’s not nothing,” Carter stated harshly to Ashley keeping Brianna lying down as she attempted to sit up. “Don’t Brianna, take it slower honey,” he added softly to her, his voice full of concerned warmth that made her heart flutter. “You can’t scare me like that angel.”

“I’m fine,” she said with a soft sigh as he pressed a kiss to her forehead.

“I plan to keep it that way,” he promised as color came back to her cheeks.

“I think you girls should go to the kitchen,” her father stated looking between Grace and Ashley with a warning in his eyes. “Now,” he added when they refused to move from their spots frowning at Brianna.

“Naturally, let the baby have all the attention, it’s always been all about Brianna,” Ashley sneered taking a long drink from her wineglass and Carter’s back tensed.

“I think you’ve had enough to drink,” Carter said shooting her a look that Brianna clearly knew meant ‘say another word and you’re dead’. “Say anything like that to or about my wife again and I guarantee you’ll regret it, no matter if you’re her sister or not. No one hurts or upsets my Brianna. Is that clear?”

“You can’t threaten me, Mr. ‘Oh So Rich’ Russells. I’m an attorney. I’ll take you and your company down if you so much as try…”

“Ashley, I think we should take a walk,” Jacob suggested turning her out of the room quickly at the black anger that instantly appeared on Carter’s face. He didn’t give her a choice as he walked her out of the room and out of the house as Brianna slid a hand onto Carter’s cheek, calming him down as best she could.

“Forget it…she’s drunk,” Brianna said softly to him sitting up to drop a sweet kiss onto his lips. “She’s always like this at holidays anymore.”

“Brianna, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean anything hurtful by my comment,” Grace said coming over to them. “If you’re happy about it then I’m happy for you. Ignore Ashley, she’s miserable all the time and wants to take it out on anyone who’s happy.”

“Are you okay sweetheart?” her mom added coming over to them.

“I’m fine,” she assured her as well as Carter who was still tense. “I shouldn’t let her get to me…”

“I’ll talk to your sister,” Alexander said, and she gave her father a smile leaning into Carter’s side when he slipped up onto the couch next to her.

“Stop fussing over her,” Grandma Helen said moving through the group with a smile at her. “She’s strong and healthy, that little baby’s not going anywhere for a long time.”

“She’s right,” Brianna said giving Carter and her mother smiles.

“Says the woman who just practically fainted for the second time in three weeks…”

“Just means she’s got a healthy pregnancy going,” Grandma Helen said patting his shoulder. “I passed out all four times I was pregnant, and those babies never had a health issue amongst them. You’ll see I’m right. Now you all go finish getting dinner ready,” she added ushering the others from the room. “And you young ‘un…you enjoy the perks of being full-blooded. Make sure that man of yours does you right.”

The look her grandmother gave her put a blush into her cheeks. “Grandma!”

“Don’t give me that look Brianna, I was young once myself and why do you think your mother’s here? It wasn’t because I enjoyed the morning sickness and I dare say you already know precisely what I’m talking about my girl.”

“Oh, I dare say she does too,” Carter agreed kissing her cheek before Grandma Helen left to give them some space. “Your grandmother is quite cheeky, isn’t she? I think you got your attitude from her.”