‘Ella … ’ it comes out gruff and Nate pauses, swallowing. ‘I’m so sorry to hear that.’ Eyes locked on mine, infinitely deep, he takes a heavy breath. ‘You’re right, I haven’t lost someone close to me. Not quite.’ He gives the barest of head shakes. ‘But my brother did. His best friend.’
‘So, surely you get it?’ I squeeze his fingers and force a small smile.
His crystal blue eyes are filled with an intensity. ‘Let me just … introduce you. You’ll feel safer if you know her.’
‘It’s nice to meet you Betty,’ I call over to the bike. ‘There you go. I’m still not getting on.’ I flash him a grin to show I’m not budging on this, but it doesn’t meanallour plans are off. ‘You know my address, you can meet me there.’
I take a step backwards, slowly disentangling our fingers and dropping my hand to my thigh.
‘I’m not going without you.’ He raises his eyebrow, laughter in his voice. ‘I’ll walk back, too.’
‘What about Betty?’
‘She’s got wheels.’ He gives a half shrug.
As he bends to stow the helmet back in his bag a look of disappointment flashes across his face, but when he straightens, all I can see is his sexy, mischievous grin.
‘Lead the way then.’ He kicks the stand up and pushes her out of the space.
‘This isn’t going to hurt Betty is it? Pushing her? Or you? She looks heavy.’ I eyeball Nate rolling the metal beast.
‘Don’t go dissing my ride and then making out like you care.’ He winks at me. ‘Don’t worry. Wheeling your bike is part of the test. You have to show you can do it in case you ever break down.’
‘It’s about a twenty-five minute walk,’ I warn as I stride on, mentally cursing my cute boots with every pace. I hadn’t expected this much walking. My feet are already throbbing.
He nods like it’s no sweat, but I’m feeling slightly guilty for putting him out. Not guilty enough to change my mind, though.
We walk quietly for a minute, the clicking of my boots and the ticking of his metal steed as it rolls over the tarmac filling the space between us.
He dips his head as he continues to push Betty. ‘Have you heard of Blood Bikes?
I shake my head. ‘No?’
He gives me a proud smile. ‘That’s what Dee was talking about. There’s a whole network of us delivering medications or samples or whatever across the country.’
I let the rumble of a passing car die down before asking, ‘So, that’s how you do your volunteering for the hospital? You deliver stuff on a motorbike?’
He nods. ‘If it can fit on a bike, we can take it.’
Looking to the horizon as we walk, he says, ‘I’ve done enhanced rider training, I’ll have you know.’ His voice is playful before he adds, ‘It’s a requirement to volunteer with them. I take it very seriously.’ Quietly, he adds, ‘And, you’d be completely safe with me.’
My God. That’s soul scorchingly, outrageously noble, but I’m still not in the position to change my mind. I toss him a ruefulsmile. ‘It’s not that I don’t trustyou, Nate.’
‘You’re really not into this, huh?’He asks after a while. ‘Do you think you’ll ever change your mind?’ His eyes hold that swirl of emotion again and I feel a pang of guilt, but I can’t go back on my promise.
‘I’m sorry to disappoint you. If it’s any consolation,’ I meet his eyes, ‘I’m into you.’ I waggle my eyebrows trying to break the solemn feel.
‘You’re absolutely not a disappointment.’ He bites his lip mischievously as he watches me. I notice a bead of sweat on his forehead; this bike wheeling malarkey may not be as easy as he’s making it look.
My heel goes down a rut and, gasping, I teeter precariously before righting myself with a giggle. Don’t want to stack it now.
There’s a bench ahead and it looks so beautiful I can almost hear it calling my name. ‘You want to stop and have a rest?’ Nate points out the bench I’d been eyeing.
It’s not a mirage!
‘No thanks,’ I bite out. Now I’ve started this ridiculous walk home, I feel I have to finish it, despite my aching heels and pinched toes. Nate can’t see me caving in. I don’t let people see me being weak. ‘I’mgreat.’ Determined not to limp, I quicken my pace.
His long legs easily keep up and I try not to wince with every step.