Page 74 of Prove You Wrong

I lean in close to him as we walk. ‘That sounds lovely.’

Walking back towards the bridge in the park, I feel light. Content.

Part of me doesn’t want this cosy feeling to end. I love sharing things with him and telling him things about me I didn’t expect I’d feel comfortable enough to say. But part of me wants to take us to the next level, to spend time with Nate in private, and see how we connect there. If that encounter in the pub was anything to go by, it would be mind-blowing. A shiver runs through me in anticipation.

‘Are you cold?’ his deep voice rumbles.‘Shall I take you home?’

‘I’m not cold.’ I bite my lip and look away, unable to meet his gaze in case I’ve got this wrong. ‘I wouldn’t mind if you took me home though.’ I toe a loose stone on the ground before locking eyes with him. ‘You might need to stay to help me warm the place up though. No one else will be back for hours.’

He cups my cheek and pulls me towards him for a long kiss, one hand snaking up into my hair, the other down, wrapping around the back of my neck, tugging me in close to him. His scent wraps around me and I’m lost.

‘You sure?’ he murmurs into my mouth.

I nod, not breaking the contact of my lips on his and I feel him smile as he kisses me.

Cosiness be damned, it’sallof me that wants to take this to the next level. My fingers work their way under his jumper, telling him so. He’s pressed tight against me and by the unmistakable hardening in his trousers, I can tell he’s on the same page.

Suddenly, it feels incongruous being out here in a park, in the middle of the day, with so many people around.

‘Let’s go.’ I break our kiss, feeling that now we can’t get away fast enough.

‘I’m parked over there.’ He points to the road outside the main gates. Hitching his rucksack higher, he leads me away from the river.

I check up the street but no sign of the muddy SUV, although there’s a small car park at the end which we seem to be aiming for.

Nate pauses by some motorbikes and starts rummaging in his bag, probably searching for his keys. I survey the lots to try and see the 4WD and when I look back he’s produced a helmet.

A motorbike helmet.

A strained giggle escapes. ‘Are you joking?’

‘Nope.Thisis Betty.’ He nods to an acid green bike.

I gape in response, unable to formulate words.

‘You’ve got Helena. You kind of inspired me with the whole name thing.’ He widens his arms in a lopsided shrug. ‘She’s going to take us home.’

‘She absolutely isnot.’ I keep my voice light but my heart is pounding inside my chest.

‘Why not?’ His smile suddenly falters.

‘These are death traps. I’m not getting on one.’ I take a step backwards. ‘I’ll … have to walk.’

He lowers the outstretched helmet to his side. ‘Don't be silly. You can't walk.’

‘Fine. I'll get a taxi then,’ I sigh, knowing full well I can’t spring for a taxi. ‘I’m not getting on it.’

‘I don't know why you're so against it. I'll take care of you.’ He shakes his head with laughter in his voice.

I suck in a breath. ‘You've obviously never lost someone close to you in a motorbike accident.’ My voice comes out as a whisper.

Nate’s smile falters, mouth opening to say something but he stops himself.

I take another step but he matches me, catching my hand.

‘I’msosorry that happened.’ His voice is gentle as he asks, ‘Can I ask, who did you lose? I mean, you don’t have to tell me if it’s too hard.’

I take a moment to gather my thoughts. ‘Josie’s brother. He wasn't really close with me. I was only fourteen when it happened. But I'm close to Josie.’ My heart clenches at the memory. ‘I saw how it devastated her.’ I shake my head. ‘Her whole family.’