Page 76 of Prove You Wrong

‘You sure I can’t convince you to hop on? It’ll stop your pretty feet hurting,’ he says with a wicked grin.

‘Nice try.’ I shoot him a smile. ‘But I’ve made a promise to never ride one.’

‘Even after all this time?’

‘I swore to her.’ I shrug.

‘Maybe it’s because I’ve grown up with them,’ Nate softens his voice. ‘But I think if they’re respected they can be safe.’

Rolling my eyes with a laugh, I say, ‘Maybe we should agree to disagree, Nate?’

He chuckles. ‘Betty and I will be here, if you change your mind.’

We press on another two hundred metres and he easily keeps pace despite hauling that lump of metal along too.

Turning into my neighbourhood, my house comes into view on the other side of a large green.

It’s beautiful.

‘Nearly there,’ I sigh with relief.

I scan between Nate, my house and the hard tarmac my feet still need to pound on.

The thought of almost being in the warm with my boots off, is too much. I stop, yank my footwear off and dart over the road to cut across the grass in just my socks.

‘Hey, that’s cheating,’ Nate calls out.

I glance back with a playful grin, wielding my boots above my head. ‘Race you,’ I laugh.

I set off at pace, eyes fixed on my house. Behind me, I hear the growl of a motorbike roaring into life.

Chapter 23


Disbelief shoots through me as I watch Ella prance away. It only takes a second for me to mount my bike, shove my helmet on and kick off.

I chuckle as I twist the throttle, taking the circuitous road route to her house.

Just when I thought the date might be fizzling out to a sombre end, she goes and springs a race on me, the delight on her face turning her beautiful features radiant.

It had stung, her complete aversion to my bike. Betty’s my first love. Yes, inspired by Ella, I’ve taken to calling my bike Betty. Betty the bike. I wassureElla would approve.

Betty is freedom.

And not just in the literal sense. Riding is therapeutic,freeing my mind, feeding my soul. Even giving me a second chance in life. Being involved with UK Blood Bikes gave me my confidence back, my self-worth.

But, after talking with Ella, I get it. She has her rules, her reasons. I’d be a prick if I didn’t understand. Now, I’m just relieved this whole event wasn’t another date ruiner.

She’s quick, I’ll give her that, but I’m gaining on her. It’s looking like we’ll arrive at her place at the same time and I think it’s probably best for everyone if this little competition ends in a draw.

I scan the road for obstacles and when I peek back to Ella she’s suddenly disappeared. Controlling my stop, I look back to the green and see she hasn’t disappeared. Ella’s on her hands and knees, laughter creasing her face.

Parking my bike as quickly as I can, I launch myself over the grass.

‘Are you okay?’ My eyes frisk her for injuries as I close the last few metres between us.

She’s covered in mud, but laughter is singing from her lips. She’s struggling to stand, she’s laughing so hard.