“You’re just asking for a spanking, baby girl.”

Her lips formed a perfectO.

There went his erection again.

She wiggled against him. “Is that what I think it is?”

“What do you think? Now we can’t leave this mountain.”

“If we don’t leave, you’ll never get to see the spot I have in mind.”

He curled his fingers around her nape, drawing her mouth to his. “I can’t wait to see it.”

Belle changed out of her damp snow clothes and draped them over the end of her bunk. Then she settled on the mattress and reached for her computer tablet.

Checking on her patch to the security system was a little crazy. Especially when people were possibly monitoring it right now. But sheneededto know if it held.

Heart throbbing, she listened hard for footsteps, but she was all alone in the bunkhouse for the time being. She didn’t have much time before Declan came for her either.

Dragging in a deep breath, she typed the passcode she’d hacked the previous night. When the screen unlocked for her, she immediately set to work. First, she entered through a back door. Of course the system was elite. One of the best she’d ever seen. Layers and layers of encrypted codes crisscrossed the system, protecting valuable information from people who would steal it and use it to harm.

And amateurs like her too, but her motives were different.

She unlocked a few sections of the program and dived into the code. Staring at the numbers, letters and symbols for long minutes, she determined where her entry was inside the strand.

Thank god. No one seemed to have detected it was even there. It didn’t look as though anybody had entered the system without permission either.

Relief tingling through her fingertips, she swiftly retraced her steps to back out of the program. Leaving too abruptly or without following the order would raise alarms.

When she finally closed the program, she wiped the history on her tablet and stowed it in the bottom of her bag again.

She let a sigh trickle out. She might be crazy. It was possible that Ethan and his fiancée really were only here for a weekend away.

Belle didn’t think so, though. She could throw one of the Wyntons’ beef cows farther than she trusted her ex. Going on the sledding outing with the couple hadn’t given her any more information, but she did note how nervous they acted. She didn’t think it was nerves over getting on sleds, either.

She’d done what she could to ensure they didn’t commit some crime against the protection agency.

Orwasthere more she could do?

If only she could get into their RV and search for computer equipment. She was versed enough in the subject to know what she was looking for.

She mentally shook her head. No. She couldn’t be thinking about doingthat.

That would beinsane.

She could not be considering actually breaking into Ethan’s RV and searching it.

How would she do it? She couldn’t pick locks and wouldn’t have the time to disarm security cameras, if there were any, and she wouldn’t put it past her ex to have that and more.

When the tractor dropped them all off below the field where the RVs were parked, she’d watched Ethan closely. He might fancy himself a savvy white-collar criminal, but he had obvious tells.

In minutes, she knew which RV was his. She also saw him and Haileigh deep in a private conversation as they walked up the hill to the ranch for drinks served in the barn. The biggest giveaway, though, was when Ethan turned his head and looked back at the white building nestled near the ranch gates.

What she could only guess was the security office.

She tapped a fingertip to her lips. How to get into that RV?

A thought struck, but she instantly rejected it.