“We want to spread out a little from the others. We don’t want to get into any accidents.”

Nodding, Belle set hers down and climbed aboard. Her knit hat hung lower over her brows, and she nudged it up, angling her head to look at him.

He dropped his own sled and straddled it, boots planted to keep him from sliding before he was ready.

She flashed a smile. “Wanna race?”

He arched a brow. “What’s at stake?”

“Oh, you’re turning this into a bet! Winner gets to choose the nextspot.”

The spot where he’d plunge his cock inside her. Need hummed through his veins.

“I’m not so sure you aren’t suggesting such a thing to throw me off my game so you can beat me down the mountain.” If he got hard again, he’d have a problem staying seated on his sled.

A peal of laughter followed by a cry tore through the air, and they both swiveled to see the guests taking off like odd little lifeboats crossing a vast sea of white snow rather than ocean waves.

He locked gazes with Belle. “You’re on.”

She lined up beside him.

“Hey, you’re inching forward. No cheating!”

She laughed. “On three. One…two…” She pushed off and launched down the hill before him.

“Cheaterrrr!” he yelled at her back as she whizzed ahead of him.

Her laughter floated back on the wind to him. Digging his feet in, he used his thigh muscles to push off in an attempt to close that gap fast. Mostly because his natural competitiveness wouldn’t allow him to lose this race.

Secondly because he had theperfectspot to take her when he won. The cabin where he stayed was warm and private, a place to lock her away and not worry about who would overhear her screams of bliss.

Cold air blasted him in the face. So did the snow powder flying off Belle’s sled. He lay back to make himself more aerodynamic and hit a faster speed.

When he drew up behind her, she threw a look over her shoulder.

“You arenotwinning!” She lay back as well, and since she was lighter, shot forward in a burst of speed.

He picked up more speed, but the lay of the land sent his sled veering to the side. He tried to right it and the corner of his clipped Belle’s.

He wasn’t braced for impact. The plastic flew out from beneath him, and he hit the snow face-first. A sharp, throaty cry made him jerk his head up in time to see Belle tumbling over and over again.

His heart lurched.

She slid a few feet farther and lay there on her back.

“Oh god! Belle, are you okay?” He scrambled to his feet and launched toward her.

If she was hurt…if he’d thrown out that stupid bet to get laid and caused her harm, he couldn’t forgive himself.

His heart rocketed into his throat when she rolled onto her hands and knees and started crawling toward him. He landed on his knees next to her. The ripple of laughter bubbling past her sweet lips made him want to yank her down and make her scream for a totally different reason.

“I won!” Her smug expression etched into his mind.

“You’re cute. You didn’t win. You fell off your sled.” He reached for her.

She threw herself into his arms, toppling him onto his back, sprawled out on top of him.

She searched his eyes. “I did win. I made it down the hill farther than you.”