No way.

But what choice did she have?

She might have been too late creating that patch to the system. If Ethan had already tapped the mainframe and stolen information, he’d have it stored in his hard drive.

Her mind whirled with possibilities. When she took that bet that Declan threw down, she really did have a spot in mind for a secret rendezvous. The hayloft of the barn had been calling to her fantasies since the minute she stepped foot in there. It would be so easy to climb that ladder and stow away for a very memorable romp among the bales.

Now she was rethinking her choice.

But breaking into Ethan’s RV and stealing that hard drive under the cover of having a secret tryst in the RV with her fake Christmas date was sheermadness.

She just had to trust that if her patch didn’t keep her ex locked out, that the security team was smart enough to save themselves.

In the meantime, she had a date with a cowboy.

Excitement kindled in the pit of her stomach. Her bestie was right about this weekend being good for Belle. It was all because Declan had turned the weekend from meh to memorable.

Her heart fluttered when she thought of the way he looked at her. The way he kissed her so tenderly outside the door of the bunkhouse.

She could use a man like Declan in her life.

When this was all over, they could keep in touch. Meet up someplace else. Weekend getaways could become their thing.

Belle hopped off the bed and went for her bag. The Christmas pajama party wasn’t really her thing at all. WatchingIt’s a Wonderful Lifeon a big screen and sipping hot cocoa with a crowd of strangers was far from her idea of fun. But her cowboy could make anything fun.


When Belle spotted Declan, she raked her gaze over him…and her face fell.

He slowed his pace, sauntering between the clusters of people decked out in Christmas pajamas for the event and tried to figure out a way to explain why he was dressed in jeans, a black thermal shirt and his old hat and boots instead of flannel PJs spangled with Christmas trees.

As he stepped up to the beautiful woman, his heart shouldn’t be stirring with so much emotion. And he definitely shouldn’t be thinking of ten ways to strip those holiday character pants off her and coat his tongue in her pussy juices.

She waved a hand at him. “You’re not in PJs.”

He shook his head. “Sorry. I don’t have any.”

“Oh.” She fiddled with the hem of her matching top.

“I sleep nude, Belle.”

Her eyes flashed up to his. When her chest inflated, her breasts stretched the button tight and pulled the cloth.

He hooked his arm around her waist and yanked her against him, bowing her over his arm. “God, the things I want to do to you in and out of these pajamas would slap my name on the naughty list for a decade.”

She giggled and latched on to his shoulders. “And get you coal in your stocking for two decades.”

He gazed deep into her eyes. “It would be well worth it.” He leaned closer, teasing her lips with a brush of his own.

She shivered in his hold. Damn if his cock got the memo that he wouldn’t be with her. Damn if he wanted to tell her that he’d have to take a raincheck on tonight too, because rather than setting out milk and cookies for Santa, Casey’s wife decided to pop out their baby on Christmas Eve.

Declan trailed his fingers over Belle’s lower back. The flannel of her PJs slipped against the silky skin it hid. His cock surged against his fly.

He rumbled against her lips, “I want you like nothing else. But something came up. I need to skip the movie night.”

Her full lips pouted, but she quickly covered her reaction with a smile that was too bright and brittle not to be fake.

Knowing that she was disappointed not to spend time with him was probably the best gift he’d receive this holiday. Hell, all year.