Page 93 of Unwrapped

“Goingto come soon, my lady,”Holdgroaned, stroking faster inside her. “Doyou want to come first?”

Didshe want to come?Celia’swhole body was crying out for release—every muscle as tight as a wire with the need to let go.Butshe couldn’t, she told herself.Maybeas long as she didn’t come while this was happening, it wouldn’t be so bad—maybe it wouldn’t really be cheating if she didn’t enjoy it, since they were being forced by an outsider to do this.

Bitingher lip, she shook her head.

“N-no,Hold.Youcome.I…Idon’t want to,” she panted.

“Gods, my lady—can’t hold back anymore!” he groaned.Andthen he sank his shaft to the hilt inside her andCeliafelt the first hot spurt of his cum bathing the mouth of her womb.

“That’sright, baby,” she heardFiercemurmuring as he continued to tug her nipples. “Openwide and take it like a good girl—letHoldfill you with his cum and give you a creamy pussy.”

Celiacould only moan in reply.She’dnever felt anything like this.WithPeter, sex was two pumps, a squirt, and a tickle before he rolled off and went to sleep.ButwithHoldandFierce, she felt completely surrounded—completely filled by their big bodies and their male energy.Shecouldn’t take herself away from the situation as she often did withPeterbecauseHoldwas looking into her eyes and murmuring her name whileFiercewhispered in her ear what a good girl she was to let his brother come so deep inside her.

Butat leastIdidn’t come,Celiatold herself.Itcan’t be cheating as long asIdon’t come.Canit?

Shehoped not, anyway.

“Andso it came to pass that the first male left his seed deep in theGoddess’spussy,”La’ver’na’svoice interrupted her guilty thoughts. “Andthen it was the second male’s turn to fuck her.”

“Youheard the priestess,Brother,”Fiercegrowled. “It’smy turn in our sweetlelka’spussy.”

“Iheard,”Holdagreed.Leaningdown, he kissedCeliasoftly on the lips. “Thankyou, my lady.Yourpussy is the hottest and tightestI’veever felt.”Thenhe pulled out of her carefully.

Celiabit her lip as she saw the gush of white cream that followed when theLightTwinpulled out of her.She’dnever seen so much before!Kindredmust come more than human men, she decided as she surveyed the messHoldhad made of her pussy.

“Oh,” she whispered. “I…IthinkIneed to clean up!I’msomessy.”

“Don’tworry about your little pussy being all creamy with my brother’s cum,”Fiercegrowled in her ear. “It’sa good thing—the wetter you are, the easierIcan slide my cock inside you, baby.”

Celiaremembered how thick theDarkTwinwas and a shiver went through her.She’dbarely been able to fit the head of his monstrous cock in her mouth—how was all of that thick length going to fit inside her pussy?

“TheGoddessgot upon her hands and knees,”La’ver’nainstructed, breaking her train of thought. “Thebetter to feel the shaft of the second man as he entered her.”

“Youheard her,lelka.”Gentlybut firmly,Fierceraised her and put her on her hands and knees, making sure that her knees were on the cushions.

Celiaheld the position but swayed dizzily—she was still overwhelmed by the deep fuckingHoldhad given her.

“Brother, let her lean against you,”Fierceordered. “She’snot steady.”

“Comehere, my lady.”Holdsat in front of her and pulledCeliaclose to his broad chest.Hestroked her hair soothingly. “Everythingis going to be all right,” he told her.Justopen your pussy and letFiercein.”

Celiabit her lip and tried to do as he said.Leaningagainst theLightTwin’schest, she parted her thighs wide and tilted her hips back, offering theDarkTwinher pussy submissively.

“Goodgirl,lelka,”Fiercemurmured and she felt his big, warm hands caressing her back and sides and reaching down to cup her breasts briefly. “Sucha good girl to open yourself for me.Thismight be tough withoutBondingFruitbutI’llgo slow.Justtry to be open for me whileIstretch your tight little pussy out on my cock.”

Celiamoaned in agreement as his dirty words made her even hotter.Thenshe felt the impossibly broad head find its way to her entrance and start to nudge its way inside.

“Gods, so creamy and hot and wet!”Fiercegrowled. “Tugon her nipples whileIenter her,Brother,” he told theLightTwin. “Giveher pleasure whileIfill her.”

“Mmm,I’dlove to.”Reachingbeneath her,Holdcupped her bare breasts, which were hanging down like ripe fruit, and began to tug her nipples. “Doesit feel good, my lady?” he murmured inCelia’sear. “Doyou like to feel my brother’s cock inside you?”

“I…Idon’t know,”Celiapanted. “He…he’s not very far in yet.”

Butas she spoke, she felt the broad head breaching her entrance and thenFiercewas thrusting slowly but inevitably inside her.

Hadshe thoughtHoldwas thick?Wellhe was nothing compared to his brother!Celiabit back a gasp as she felt her inner walls being stretched to the limit as the thick invader shoved deeper and deeper inside her.

“Fuckshe’s tight!” she heardFiercesay, his big hands tightening on her hips as he slowly worked his way into her. “It’sa damn good thing you went first and filled her pussy with your cream,Brother, orI’dnever get inside her.”