Page 94 of Unwrapped

“Justbe careful with her—don’t injure our lady,”Holdwarned sternly. “Sheis delicate and so much smaller than we are—be gentle with her,Fierce.”

“Doing…my…best,” theDarkTwingrunted. “Gods…almost all the way in her now.There!”

Ashe spoke,Celiafelt the enormous cock finally bottoming out inside her.Fiercewas so big she was sure if she looked down, she would see a bulge in her lower belly now that he was seated all the way inside her.Shefelt some pain—but it was a good,stretchingkind of pain.Somehow—maybe thanks to the special drink they’d all been drinking—theDarkTwinhad managed to fit his entire massive cock inside her without hurting her.

Nowthat he was in,Fiercedidn’t appear to be in any hurry.Hespent some time strokingCelia’strembling back and shoulders.

“Goodgirl,” she heard him murmur as he petted her. “Gonnaride you nice and deep tonight, but not until you’re ready, baby.Gonnafill your sweet little pussy to overflowing with my cum.”

“Oh…oh,Fierce!” she moaned and twitched her hips a little, trying to get used to being so widely stretched open.“MadredeDios,you’re so big inside me!”

“Yeah, baby, but you’re taking me so good,” he growled. “Wishyou could see how hot it is—your tight little pussy stretched out on my cock!Can’twait to fuck you and cream deep in your tight little cunt!”

“Doit then!”Celiamoaned, bucking back against him.Thefeeling of being so completely filled and owned by theDarkTwinas theLightTwintugged and twisted her tender nipples was almost more than she could stand.Herclit was throbbing and she was sure if she got any stimulation there at all, she was going to come.

ButIcan’tcome,she told herself.Comingwill make it cheating!Aslong asIdon’t come,Ionly did this becauseIhad to—not becauseIwanted to.

AndthenFiercedrew almost all the way out of her and thrust in again, driving all the guilty thoughts out of her head.

“Oh…oh!Dios!”she gasped as he did it again…and then again.TheDarkTwin’spowerful thrusts would have knocked her forward on her face ifHoldhadn’t been there to steady her.

“Holdher,Brother!” she heardFiercegrowl. “Needto fuck our sweet littlelelkadeep tonight—hold her steady whileIfill her!”

“I’vegot her—get your cock deep in her pussy,”Holdtold him.HeheldCeliaagainst him, still stroking her nipples. “That’sright, my lady,” he murmured. “Openyourself and letFiercefuck you.Givehim your pussy and let him fill you with his seed.”

“I…I’mtrying to be open enough!”Celiapanted.Shehad never been fucked so deeply with such a huge cock in her life and she was nearly overwhelmed.Also, with every deep thrust of his shaft inside her,Fierce’sheavy balls were swinging up to slap her open pussy.Celiawouldn’t have minded this, except it was stimulating her clit almost more than she could bear.Shecould feel an orgasm building inside her, but she didn’t want to let it happen.

“You’redoing such a good job,lelka,”she heardFiercegrowl above her. “Takingmy cock so deep in your tight little cunt.I’mgoing to shoot my cream deep inside you, but firstIwant to feel you coming on my cock.”

“No,I…Ican’t!”Celiaprotested, panting as every hard thrust of his huge cock rocked her body forward. “I…Idon’t want to!Comingwill make it… will make it…”

“Cheating?”Therewas an angry growl in theDarkTwin’svoice. “Areyou seriously telling me you’restillthinking about that stupid human?” he demanded.

“I…Ican’t help it!”Celiamoaned. “He…he’s my fiancé!”

“Notanymore, becauseI’mClaimingyoutonight,”Fiercegrowled.Hishands tightened on her hips and he began to fuck her even harder, if that was possible. “Goingto fuck you and make you come on my cock,lelka,”he told her. “Goingto make you mine tonight!MineandHold’s!”

Celiagasped and moaned as she backed to meet him.Hewas getting rough with her now, but she couldn’t seem to want him to stop.She’dnever been fucked so hard and so deep in her life and his heavy balls were slapping against her clit, making her moan as they pushed her higher and higher.

“Fierce!” she cried as he fucked into her. “Please…you’re going to…going to make me come!”

“That’sexactlywhatIwant to do,lelka!”he growled.Andthen one of his big hands left her hip and found its way down between her legs.

Celiagave a little cry as she felt theDarkTwinbegin an expert massage of her clit.Howdid he know exactly how to touch her?Evenin the heat of fucking, his touch was light and perfect as he drove her relentlessly over the edge.

Andthen, though she tried to hold it back,Celiafelt her orgasm coming—rushing at her like a semi truck on the highway barreling down the wrong lane on a collision course.Ithit her hard and she arched her back helplessly as the pleasure overtook her, shooting through her like lightning as theDarkTwinthrust his cock all the way into her pussy and began flooding the mouth of her womb with his seed.

“That’sright—take it!” she heardFiercegrowling. “Comefor me,lelka—come on my cock and milk the cum out of me.Letme feel your tight little pussy milking every last drop into your womb!”

“I…Ican’t help it!”Celiamoaned.Hangingher head, she leaned againstHold, who supported her as her whole body shivered and shook with the intensity of her orgasm.“Dios,Fierce—you’re making me comeso hard!”

Thepleasure seemed to go on and on and she could feel her whole body tensing with the waves of deep sensation that washed through her.Atthe same time her inner muscles were milking the thick cock inside her, urging theDarkTwinto spurt every drop of his hot cum deep in her pussy.

Atlast he finished—almost at the same timeCeliabegan to feel the relentless waves of pleasure lessen.

“Oh…ohhhh,”she moaned, collapsing againstHold, who wrapped his arms around her and supported her gently.

“It’sall right, my lady,” he murmured soothingly. “Iknow you came hard, but it’s all right—I’vegot you.”