Page 92 of Unwrapped

“Comedown here!”Celiatold them. “Don’tleave me down here by myself!”

“Forgiveus, my lady.”Holdknelt beside her at once andFiercedid as well.

“Wejust don’t want to hurt you,” theDarkTwinmurmured.

“Iknow you don’t butIthink…IthinkIcan take you,”Celiawhispered.Shewas aware thatLa’ver’nawas standing to one side, frowning at all of them critically, as though she wondered why they were hesitating. “Look, she’s starting to get suspicious—we have to do this,” she whispered.

“We’lltake things slowly, then,”Holdtold her.Helooked atFierce. “Holdher for me,Brother.Cradleour lady in your arms asIenter her.”

“Comehere,lelka.”Fiercepulled her back into his arms so that she was lying against him with her back to his broad chest. “Nowspread your legs,” he directed. “AndletHoldin.”

TheLightTwinwas already kneeling between her legs with his cock in one hand.Celiabit her lip, seeing how big he was all over again.Shehad barely gotten them in her mouth—were the two big warriors really going to be able to fit their cocks inside her pussy?

Itlooked like she was going to find out.

Holdfit the head of his cock to her pussy but instead of sliding in right away, he rubbed himself up and down against her.

Celiamoaned as he spread his precum over the aching button of her clit.Dios, that felt sogood!Andshe had never been so hot and wet in her life before.

TheLightTwinseemed to take his time, stimulating her and making sure she was ready.Thenhe slid down to find the mouth of her pussy and slowly began to push inside her.

“Slowly, my lady,” he murmured as he entered her. “Gods,Ican feel you stretching around me!”

“Oh…Ohhhh…”Celiamoaned as he thrust into her.She’dnever had anything so big inside her before—not even the toys she played with on occasion were anywhere near as long and thick.

“That’sright,lelka,”Fiercemurmured in her ear. “Justopen up and letHoldfill you.Openyour soft little pussy and let him in.”

“I…I’mtrying,” she panted.

Shewanted to ask why neither of them was jealous of the other.Theyboth seemed to like watching her with each other almost as much as touching or tasting or filling her themselves.Maybeit was just aTwinKindredthing.

Atthe moment though, she couldn’t ask anything—she was consumed with the feeling of being filled.Itseemed impossible that all of theLightTwin’slong, thick cock could fit inside her, but to her surprise no matter how much he thrust into her, she seemed able to take it.

Itmust be the pancakes-and-syrup tasting mixture they’d been drinking the whole time they were here, she thought.Therewas no other explanation for whyHoldwas able to shove his entire long shaft inside her.

Atlast he bottomed out inside her and she could feel the head of his cock kissing the mouth of her womb.

“Dios,Hold!” she moaned. “Inme sodeep!”

“Iknow, my lady, but you’re taking me beautifully.”Hiseyes held hers as he began to pump inside her. “Pinchher nipples for me,Brother,” he toldFierce. “Makeour lady feel good asIfuck her.”

“Ohbut…but nobody said anything about…aboutfuckingme!”Celiamoaned, even as she spread her thighs to let him get deeper into her. “I…Ithought you just had to slide inside me!”

“Andso theGoddessdecided to let each male fuck her in turn and fill her womb with his seed,”La’ver’na’svoice rang out, as though on cue. “Inorder to know which of their shafts was the best.”

“Sorry, my lady—it seemsI’llhave to seed your womb after all,”Holdsaid.

“But…butI’mnot on birth control!”Celiareminded them, panting as theLightTwinthrust inside her.Dios, it felt good to let him fill her this way!Sheknew it was cheating but at the moment, she couldn’t seem to care!

“Wecan’t get you pregnant by ourselves, remember?”Fiercegrowled in her ear. “It’sall right,lelka—it’s safe for you to letHoldfuck your tight little pussy and come deep inside you.”

Hishot, dirty words madeCeliaeven hotter.Moaning, she bucked her hips up, trying to get even more ofHold’slong cock inside her.

“God, that looks so fucking hot!”Fiercerumbled. “Lookat you takingHoldso deep like a good girl!”Ashe spoke, he massaged her breasts and tugged at her nipples, sending sparks of pleasure straight down to her throbbing clit.

Celiamoaned and bucked back against theDarkTwin.Shecouldn’t believe she was in this position—spread out for everyone to see withFierceteasing her tits andHoldthrusting deep inside her, filling her pussy with his long, thick cock as she writhed between the two of them.

Inthe back of her mind, a little voice whispered that this was the worst kind of cheating and she would regret it but she pushed it away.Therewas nothing she could do but surrender—nothing she could do but spread her legs and let theLightTwinfuck her and fill her with his seed.