Page 117 of Unwrapped

ThistimeFiercetook charge of her top half, rubbing warming oil that had a light, sweet scent into her shoulders and back and her bare breasts.Hetugged at her nipples lightly, watching her writhe on the bed between himself and his brother, as he murmured what a good girl she was to open herself to both of them so completely.

“Doesit feel good, baby?” he murmured, tugging her aching tips some more. “Doyou like it whenItease your sweet nipples?”

“Y-yes!”Celiamoaned, arching her back. “ButIneed more!”

“You’llhave more, my lady,”Holdpromised her. “Intime, you’ll have all you can handle.”

WhileFiercehad been massaging her neck and shoulders, theLightTwinhad been rubbing and massaging her feet, calves and thighs.Butnow thatFiercewas concentrating on her breasts, he had turned his attention to her pussy.Hewas gently rubbing her outer lips, but the indirect attention madeCeliacrazy.

“Please,Hold!” she begged theLightTwin. “Stopteasing me!”

“Notteasing you, my lady—just getting you ready. “Look—Ihave a special massage oil, just for your sweet pussy.”Hepulled out a tiny, purple glass bottle and opened it. “Now, hold still for me,Celia.”Hegave her a stern look when she twitched her hips. “Ineed you to spread wide for me and let me pour this oil where it needs to go.”

“Bea good girl and spread your pussy forHold,”Fiercemurmured as he tugged her nipples again. “Thisoil will make your sweet little clit even more sensitive—you’re going to be coming all night long,lelka.”

Celiawas still waiting to come for thefirsttime that night—the need inside her kept growing and growing!Butshe spread her thighs wider obediently and tried to be open for theLightTwin.

“That’sgood, my lady.”Holdnodded approvingly.

Withthe fingers and thumb of his left hand, he reached down and spread her pussy lips wide, exposing the aching pearl of her clit.Thenhe carefully poured a thin stream of the special oil over her tender little button.

“Perfect—and nowIjust need to rub it in and give yourGoddessPearla proper massage,” theLightTwinmurmured.Andwith one fingertip, he began to rub the oil in, sliding around and around her aching clit without ever quite touching it.

“Oh…oh!”Celiamoaned, bucking her hips involuntarily.

“Doesit feel good,lelka?”Fiercegrowled softly in her ear. “Doyou like it whenHoldspreads your sweet pussy open and massages your little clit?”


“I’mglad you like it.”Holdgave her a half-lidded smile. “Justrelax and letFierceandImassage you.Letus give you pleasure.”

Celiafelt like she was melting as theLightTwinkept on caressing her clit, sliding one long finger, slick with oil, around and around her aching center.Shecould feel herself getting closer and closer to coming and she was sure that once she did, the insistent horniness would be taken care of.

Ijust need to come,she told herself.IfIcan just come,Iwon’t feel so needy anymore.Iwon’t—

Butat that moment the pleasure grew too intense and she found herself falling over the edge as the first orgasm of the night hit her.

“Oh…oh,Dios!”she moaned asHoldslid two long fingers into her pussy to feel her throb around him.

“That’sright, baby,”Fiercemurmured in her ear. “Comefor us—come nice and hard whileHoldfingers your pussy.”

“Can’t…can’t help coming!”Celiapanted.Buteven as she came, she realized that the need inside her hadn’t been abated.Infact, she felt it even more. “Hold…Fierce,” she moaned. “Itfeels so good butIthink…IthinkIneedmore.”

“Howso, my lady?”Holdasked, fucking deeply into her with his fingers. “Gods, your sweet little pussy is so tight!” he added, his eyes filled with lust.

“Tellus what you need,lelkaand we’ll give it to you,”Fiercepromised, his eyes going dark with hunger.

“Ineed…Ineed you to fuck me.Notone at a time—bothof you at once!”Celiamoaned.

“What?”Holdfrowned. “Butwe’ve barely started pleasuring you—you’ve only just had your first orgasm of the night!AndIdon’t know if you’re ready for both our shafts at once,” he added.

“ButIneed more than just your fingers!”Celiaprotested, bucking her hips.

TheLightTwin’sfingers inside her felt wonderful, but she had a feeling like her inner wallsneededto be stretched.Shecouldn’t shake the idea that she wanted both of them inside her at once.

Holdfrowned at her sternly.

“Whythis sudden need to be filled,Celia?”Heasked, raising an eyebrow at her. “Whathappened to cause this?”