Page 118 of Unwrapped

“I…Itook someBondingFruitconcentrate thatKatgave me,”Celiaadmitted, biting her lip. “Ionly meant to taste a tiny sip but it tasted so good,Iwound up drinking the whole vial.”

“Thewholevial?”Hold’seyes went wide. “Tellme, how big was this vial, my lady?”

“Aboutthis big.”Celiaheld her fingers several inches apart. “Therewasn’t much of it, but it tasted really good.Andstrong,”she added.

“Gods!”Holdshook his head. “Itwould be one thing if you just ate a piece ofBondingFruitor drank someBondingFruitjuice.Butto drink a whole vial of theconcentrate…”

“What?Isit bad?Dios,please tell meIdidn’t hurt the baby!”Celiaexclaimed.

“No, no—don’t worry about that,”Holdreassured her quickly. “It’snot the babyI’mworried about, my lady.”

“It’syouwe’re worried about,lelka,”Fiercefinished for his brother. “You’regoing to be fucking horny out of your mind pretty soon!”HesqueezedCelia’sbreasts and tugged lightly on her nipples. “We’regoing to have to breed you all night long to help you get it out of your system.”

“Breedme then!”Celiamoaned, writhing between them.Shewas getting hotter and wetter by the minute as the need theBondingFruitconcentrate had caused in her grew and grew. “Please—Ineed you—both of you!” she begged.

“Iknow you’re in need, my lady, but we have to take things slowly and work up to breeding,”Holdtold her.

“Maybewhat she needs is a tongue inside her,”Fiercegrowled, his eyes flashing. “Trademe places,Brother—it’s my turn with her soft little pussy.”

“Allright.”Reluctantly,Holdwithdrew his fingers and sucked them clean.Thenhe andFierceswitched places, with theLightTwincoming to supportCelia’shead and shoulders while theDarkTwinknelt between her spread thighs.

“Mmm, such a sweet, soft little pussy,” he growled, rubbing his hands up and downCelia’slegs and sending shivers all through her. “RememberhowIpromised just to kiss you that first timeItasted your pussy,lelka?”he added, givingCeliaa lascivious grin.

“I…Iremember,” she panted.

“SodoI—andIthink you need more ‘kisses’ now,” he growled.

Bendinghis head, he spreadCelia’spussy open and gave her a hot, open-mouthed kiss right on her throbbing clit.

“Dios!”Celiagasped, bucking her hips up to meet him. “More,Fierce—Ineedmore.”

TheDarkTwindidn’t answer with words.Insteadhe began lapping her clit in earnest, sucking it into his mouth and swirling his tongue around and around the aching little button.

Atthe same time, he thrust two long fingers deep inside her, just asHoldhad done and began to pump deep in her pussy.

“Oh…oh!”Celiacried asHoldbent over her to suck her nipples at the same time.Shehad never felt so open and so desired…and yet she still neededmore.

“Mmm, my lady—love sucking your tight nipples,”Holdmurmured, looking up at her. “Doyou like it whenFierceandItaste you together?Doesit feel good to have my mouth on your breasts and my brother’s tongue between your thighs?”

“Yes!”Celiamoaned shamelessly. “Yes…ohDios,Hold—think…thinkI’mgoing to come again!”

“That’sthe special clit oil working on you,”Holdtold her. “Itincreases your ability to orgasm and to have multiple orgasms.You’regoing to be coming a lot tonight, my lady.Whichis a good thing—it will help you get theBondingFruitout of your system.”

Celiatried to answer but she couldn’t—once more the pleasure was rushing through her as she came hard onFierce’stongue.TheDarkTwinlapped her pussy eagerly, licking up her juices as she moaned and writhed between him and his brother.Shecried her pleasure, her back arching asHoldandFiercefeasted on her as though she was a rare delicacy.Butstill,whenFierceat last withdrew his fingers, she felt empty inside.

“Hold,Fierce,please!”Shemoaned, shifting restlessly between them. “Ineed you in me—Ineed to feel you stretching me out!Ithink…think it’s the only thing that will make me feel better.”

“Mmm, that will be our pleasure, my lady,”Holdmurmured. “Butagain, we should work up to it.Whydon’t you ride my cock for a little while andFiercecan get ourBondingChairset up.”

“B-bonding chair?”Celiapanted. “What’sthat?”

“Aspecial kind of chair created just forTwinKindredto use while holding their female between them andBonding,”Holdtold her. “Nowcome here and sit on my cock,” he added, his eyes growing suddenly dark with desire.

Celiawasn’t used to such directness from theLightTwin—but she foundHold’scommanding tone incredibly sexy.Flippingover, she crawled up his long, muscular body and straddled his lean hips as instructed.

Shehad his long shaft in one hand and was rubbing it against her slippery pussy when a thought occurred to her.

“Hold, won’t it hurt you if we’re, uh, intimate whenFierceisn’t touching me too?” she asked, giving theLightTwina worried look.