Page 116 of Unwrapped

Celiabent down to retrieve it and smiled.Itwas the tiny vial ofBondingFruitconcentrate thatKathad given her.Forsome reason, even when things seemed hopeless, she had held onto it.Andsince she’d had no place to put it earlier—the wedding dress having no pockets of course—she’d shoved it down the front of her bra.

IguessIwas hoping the guys would come for me all along,she thought, examining the tiny glass vial.Itwas warm from being close to her skin and the liquid inside was a light, peachy color.Suddenly,Celiawanted to taste it.

Unsealingthe vial with her fingernail, she popped it open and inhaled the delicious fragrance that drifted out.

“Mmm…Dios,that smells good!” she murmured to herself. “Likepeaches and strawberries and mangos and something else…what is it?”

Puttingthe vial to her mouth, she took a tiny sip.TheBondingFruitjuice tasted even better than it smelled!Thenote she hadn’t been able to identify turned out to be buttered popcorn which, oddly, worked extremely well with the sweet, fruity flavors.

Celiahad only meant to take a tiny taste, but before she knew it, she was tilting the vial to get more and then more.Amoment later she pulled it away from her lips and saw that it was completely empty—somehow she had taken the whole vial.

“MadredeDios—Iwonder ifIshould have done that?” she murmured to herself.Thenshe rememberedLivtelling her thatBondingFruitwas actuallygoodfor the unborn baby and felt a little better about it.Itwould probably just work like theBloodof theMotherjuice that tasted like pancakes and syrup they’d all had at theMotherTree, she thought.Itwould make her a little more stretchy down below so if the three of them decided to get busy, they could.Thatwas no big deal, right?

Thatwas what shethought, anyway.Buta little later on, she had reason to believe that theBondingFruitwas different from the breakfast-flavored drink she’d gotten used to.

Itstarted with a tingling between her thighs and at the tips of her nipples asHoldandFiercewere bathing her.Thethree of them were naked in the bathing pool and the two big warriors were taking turns holding her as the other one scrubbed her.

Holdwas scrubbing her top half, including her full breasts and tender nipples, which were almost back to their normal color.

“Younever told us how you got your nipples to turn blue you know, my lady,” he murmured as he teased and tugged them. “Andnow the color seems to be fading.”

“Oh,I…Idyed them,”Celiaexplained, her voice coming out breathless.

“Dyedthem?Whatthe fuck?”Fierceasked, frowning.

Celiaexplained about the huge vats where they dyed the spider silk.

“SoIjust dipped my nipples in and it did the trick,” she told them. “Itlasted pretty well, too.”

“Longenough for us to get away, anyway,”Fiercegrowled, rubbing his big hands up and down her thighs. “Smartthinking,lelka.”

Histhumbs were getting closer and closer to her aching pussy as he scrubbed higher every time.Clearlyhe was teasing her, getting her ready for more to come.

Suddenly,Celiarealized she was feelingextremelyhorny.Evenmore than she had been when they were all being subjected to the relentless sexual energy of theMotherTree.

“Dios,Fierce, stop teasing me!” she protested breathlessly. “Ifyou’re going to touch me,doit already!”

“Hmm, sounds like someone is feeling feisty tonight,Brother,”Fiercerumbled, shootingHolda knowing look. “Areyou ready to get out of the bathing pool and let us massage you,lelka?”

“Iguess so—are you going to touch me more if you do?Are…are you going to make me come?”Celiademanded.Hercheeks were hot with embarrassment but she couldn’t help herself—suddenly she was just so turned on!

“Ohyes, my lady—we have special oils for both your nipples and your pussy,”Holdpurred. “Butwhy the sudden eagerness to come?Don’tyou want us to take our time?”

“IthoughtIdid but nowI’mfeelingreally, uh, overheated,”Celiaadmitted.

“Let’stake her out of the pool and massage her now,”Fiercesaid. “Wecan make her come more easily when we have her sweet body all spread out between us,Brother.”

“True.”Hold’seyes were suddenly heavy-lidded. “Come, my lady,” he murmured, carryingCeliaout of the pool.Let’sget you dried off soFierceandIcan pleasure you properly.”



Celiahad rarely had a massage by one person—let alone two.Thetwins dried her off and laid her on the huge bed after covering it first with a white sheet.Thenthey brought in a number of bottles of oil.

Theypositioned her between them, with theDarkTwinsitting at the head of the bed and theLighttwin at the foot of it.Celiafound herself with her head pillowed onFierce’smuscular thighs whileHoldsat right between her spread legs.Itwas a sensuous feeling, being spread out, naked between the two huge warriors.Theglows in the bedroom had been turned on low, giving off a golden, romantic, indirect light that came from the walls, rather than the ceiling.

Inthe past,Celiawould have been reluctant to let them both see her naked and vulnerable, but now she didn’t mind.Sheknew they loved her body just the way it was—curves and all.Itmade her feel like a sexual goddess to have the two big, muscular warriors looking at her with half-lidded eyes and cradling her between them.