Page 90 of Unwrapped

“Ithink we’re going to have to do it, my lady,”Holdmurmured.

“Yeah—Idon’t like performing for them butIdon’t think we have a choice,”Fierceagreed, frowning at the priestess.

“Well…all right.”Celianodded reluctantly.Theyall walked forward and she looked atLa’ver’na. “Uh, what do you want us to do?”

“Besilent for now—you must enact the story asItell it,” the priestess ordered.Thenshe lifted her voice and began to speak…



“Longago, theGoddessdecided to take mortal form and walk among us for a season, looking for those that would worship her,”La’ver’nabegan.

Feelingextremely silly,Celiabegan to walk up and down in front of the large caldron.Sheput a hand up as though to shade her eyes, pretending to stare off into the horizon as she searched for worshippers.

“Soonshe came upon two men…but they were too busy arguing with each other to notice theGoddessand worship her,” the unicorn priestess continued.

Atonce,HoldandFiercebegan frowning at each other andFierceshook his fist and growled.

“SotheGoddesscame up to them and put a hand on each of their arms.Shesaid, ‘Whydo you fight so?Pray, tell me your argument soIcan help you settle it.”

Atthis point,Celiacame up and placed her hands on their muscular arms, acting out the part.Herstomach was jumping with nerves and it was all she could do to hold back the nervous giggle that rose to her throat.

“Asit turned out, the two were arguing about which should be the next chief of their tribe,”La’ver’nawent on. “Andso theGoddessproposed to help them settle the issue.”

“Herewe go,”Fiercemuttered sardonically andCeliashot him a look and had to bite back another nervous giggle.Dios—this was ridiculous!

Luckily, it seemed the priestess hadn’t heard theDarkTwinor seen the look that passed between them.

“Shetold the two of them to pull out their shafts,” she went on, still in story-telling mode. “Andwhichever she judged to be the best, that man should be the next ruler and chieftain of their tribe.”

HoldandFierceexchanged a glance andFierceshrugged.Theneach of them pulled their red silk loincloths to the side, exposing their huge cocks to everyone in the room.

Therewere murmurs of appreciation from the audience—even in a room full of the well-hung goat men,HoldandFiercestood out.

“SotheGoddesscame to take their shafts in her hands, the better to compare them,”La’ver’nawent on.

Bitingher lip,Celiastepped up to stand in front of her two guys.Shehad promised herself after last night that she wasn’t going to do a single other thing with them—that she was going to keep everything non-sexual between herself andHoldandFiercebecause she was going home toPeter.

Well, it looked like she would be breaking that particular promise tonight.

“TheGoddesstook their shafts in her hands tocomparethem,”La’ver’nasaid again, frowning.

Celiarealized she’d just been standing there.Takinga deep breath, she reached for her guys and wrapped her fingers as far as she could around their thick shafts, taking one in each hand.

Holdshifted andFiercemade a low, guttural sound of pure need in the back of his throat but neither of them tried to get away from her.Theireyes were half-lidded as they looked at her taking their naked cocks in her hands.Notsure what else to do,Celiastarted stroking them—and she couldn’t help admiring them as she did so.

Bothshafts were longer and thicker than anything she’d ever seen in porn back onEarth.AndifFierce’swas thicker, thenHold’swas slightly longer, but both of them werehugeand extremely hard.Itfelt like she was holding two warm iron bars in her hands,Celiathought—iron bars covered in the softest silk.

“Gods, my lady…your hand is so soft,”Holdmurmured.

“Fuckingwarm too,”Fiercegrowled.

“ButtheGoddesscould not decide which of them had the best shaft,”La’ver’nawent on. “Andso, she proposed to taste them and take each in her mouth to try and see which she liked the most.”

Celiacould feel her cheeks getting hot.Wasshe really supposed to just kneel down and give each of them blowjobs right here in the middle of the room?Well, apparently so because the priestess was glaring at her with an air of expectation.

Hesitantly,Celiasank to her knees.