Page 91 of Unwrapped

“Wait, my lady—loose me for a moment,”Holdmurmured.Shedid and he quickly went to get the cushions the three of them had been sitting on during supper.Heput one down forCeliato kneel on, which was certainly easier on her than the hard wood floor.

“Thankyou.”Celialooked up at him gratefully.Then, since he was right there, she took his long cock in her hand again and guided it to her mouth.

Shecouldn’t take very much of it, since he was so long, but she managed to suck the head deep in her mouth and twirled her tongue around it.Thebroad tip was already leaking precum andCeliawas surprised to see that it was both salty and sweet—with a hint of vanilla in it.

Likemelted vanilla ice cream,she thought and swirled her tongue around again to get more of it.

Holdgroaned softly and reached down to stroke her hair.

“Mylady, your mouth is so soft and hot,” he murmured. “Loveto feel you tasting me.”

Despitethe awkwardness of doing this in front of a crowd,Celiafelt herself melting at his words and the look of love and adoration in his eyes.Shehad never much liked giving blowjobs before—mainly because most guys grabbed you by the hair and tried to ram their cocks down your throat.Peterhad the bad habit of trying to make her actuallychokeon his cock—which wasn’t really possible, since it was so small—but he certainly tried.Celiathought it was probably something he’d seen in porn which he thought was hot.

ButtheLightTwindidn’t do any of that.Hesimply stroked her hair and pumped very gently into her mouth, groaning in appreciation as she sucked him.

“Andafter theGoddessfinished sucking one of the men, she decided to try the other,”La’ver’nasaid pointedly andCeliarealized the priestess wanted her to switch.

Pullingaway fromHold’sshaft, she wiped her mouth and looked up atFierce.TheDarkTwinhad been standing there, his big hand loosely fisted around his huge cock, watching with half-lidded eyes as she sucked his brother.Nowhe stepped forward and looked down at her.

“Takeit easy,lelka,”he rumbled softly. “Don’tchoke yourself.”

Celiacould see why he’d given her a warning.Thehead of his cock was broader thanHold’s—in fact, he was thicker all the way down.Thiswas going to be a challenge.

Lookingup to hold his dark eyes with her own, she brought his cock to her mouth and licked the head, deliberately swirling her tongue around the broad crown as though it was an ice ceam cone she was trying to eat before it melted.

“Gods,lelka!”Fiercegroaned, looking down at her. “Sofucking hot!Loveto watch you suck my cock!”

Celiawas hot too, she had to admit to herself.Maybeshe was a closet exhibitionist, but this wasreallyturning her on.Kneelingbefore the two big warriors and taking them in her mouth, one-by-one as everyone watched made her feel hot and cold all over.Herexposed nipples were so tight they ached and her pussy was getting so wet and hot she could hardly stand it.

ShelickedFierceagain, lapping away the droplet of precum at the tip of his cock and noticing that it tasted a little like melted chocolate ice cream, which was delicious.

Fiercereached down to tangle his long fingers in her hair and pulled her closer gently but firmly.

“Suckit, baby,” he growled guiding the head of his cock into her mouth. “Iknow you can’t take much, but suck on the head for me like a good girl.”

Celiadidn’t know why, but when he called her that—“good girl”—she felt her whole body tighten with need.Sheopened wider and eagerly took the broad head inside, sucking it as deeply as she could whileFiercegently fucked her mouth.

“Feelsso good,” he rumbled, holding her eyes with his own. “Lookat you, on your knees for me, sucking me so deep.Loveyour hot little mouth wrapped around my cock, baby.Loveto feel you sucking me.”

Celiafelt like her whole body was throbbing with need.Whywas it that his words of praise were making her so turned on?Shedidn’t have an answer, she just knew that her pussy had never felt so wet and ready in her life before!

AndthenLa’ver’nastarted talking again.

“Butafter she had taken both shafts in her mouth, theGoddessstill could not decide which of them was better,” the unicorn priestess intoned. “Andso, she decided that in order to choose, she must take them in her pussy instead.”

What?Celia’seyes flew wide and she pulled away fromFierce’scock.HadLa’ver’nareally said what she’d justthoughtthat she said?

Apparentlyso, because the priestess continued.

“Andso, she laid back and allowed the first male to enter her pussy, thrusting his shaft deep within her so that she could feel it filling her,” she went on.

Celiabit her lip.Shewas still kneeling but above her head,HoldandFiercewere having a whispered conversation.

“You’dbetter go first,” she heard theDarkTwinmurmuring. “You’renot as thick asIam.”

“True,”Holdagreed. “Iam longer though—Ihope theBloodof theMotherthat we’ve all been drinking really will allow her to stretch—you could barely get two fingers inside her before,Brother.”

“Ifucking know it,”Fiercegrowled grimly. “Butshe’s going to have to take a hell of a lot more than our fingers in her now.”