Page 89 of Unwrapped

“Igot to help fixing it—and let me tell you, those fucking “goat men,” as you call them, are fucking machines when it comes to fixing ships,”Fiercereported. “Ourship is going to be ready to fly in no time.”

“What, really?Butit was so banged up!”Celiaexclaimed, remembering all the dents in the silver hull.

“Andnearly every system was failing,”Holdadded. “Howcould they fix it so fast?”


“They’rejust that good.Ithink it helps that they’re completely focused on whatever the fuck it is the foreman tells them to do.Also, they’ve got a state-of-the-art repair facility here—it rivals what we’ve got on theMotherShip.”

“Sowe should be able to leave here soon?”Celiaasked hopefully.

“Yes—as far as the ship’s functions and flying systems are concerned,”Fiercesaid, frowning. “Theonly part they don’t seem to be able to fix is the long range communications array.Theydon’t even seem to have the parts for it—though they’ve got parts for every other kind of ship in the known fucking universe,” he added.

“Ibet they don’t have communications parts because they don’t want people contacting anyone to come get them,”Celiamurmured. “Sess’elytold me that she and her brothers wanted to leave at one point but they couldn’t.Andthen, once her breasts started making the, uh, pleasure drops, they decided they would all rather just stay.”

“Yeah,Idon’t know what’s in those pleasure drops, but they seem to make the males here do whatever anyone tells them.Whyelse would those three consent to fucking their little sister?”FierceshotSess’elyand her brothers a hard look.

“Idon’t think it’s their fault though,”Celiaprotested, trying to defend her new friend. “La’ver’nais the one who encouraged them all to, uh, get togetherthat way.Ithink she told them the same thing she told us—that if they didn’t join theSisterhood, they wouldn’t fix their ship.”

“Andnow, because they won’t be accepted if they go back home, she wants to feed all four of them to theMotherTree,”Holdmurmured and shook his head.

“Iknow!I’vebeen trying to talk her out of going up toFifthBranchif they call for her, but so far nothingIsay is sinking in,”Celiaremarked. “PoorSess’ely!”

“Yeah,poorSess’ely,”Fierceechoed sarcastically, looking over to where the unicorn girl was currently taking on two of her big brothers at once.

“Stopit—Iknow it’s weird, but she didn’t choose this.Noneof them did!”Celiainsisted. “Ohlook—here’s supper,” she added, since the pot was currently filling up—this time with some kind of vegetable stir-fry looking mixture that had long pink and blue veggie sticks in it as well as red and brown chunks, all mixed together in a thick yellow sauce.

Celiawas glad there was no meat in it, but she still couldn’t help wondering how theMotherTreemade the food it fed to the people who lived among its branches.Thethought put her off, so that she could only finish half a bowl of the stir-fry mixture, even though it was quite tasty.

“Whyaren’t you eating?”Fiercedemanded, as she pushed the half-finished bowl away. “You’renot trying to lose weight for that stupid wedding, are you?”

“It’snone of your business,”Celiasnapped. “Thoughmy wedding dressisa little snug,” she added, more to herself than to him.

“Ifyou wereJoiningwith me andHold, we wouldn’t ask you to lose your gorgeous curves, you know,”Fiercegrowled, raking her body with his eyes. “Becauseyou’re already fucking perfect,lelka.”

“Itwouldbe a pity if you lost your curves,”Holdagreed, also looking at her with desire in his hazel-green eyes. “Wefind you beautiful just as you are, my lady.”

Theway they were looking at her madeCeliathink of the night before…of how they had both kissed and tasted her, making her come over and over again…

“Oh, well…” she began, blushing.

Butat that moment,La’ver’nastood up in the center of the room and started talking.

“Andnow it is time for tonight’sChoosing,” she announced. “Ineed a goddess and her worshippers to come and enact a tale from theGoddess’slife when she took mortal form and came among us.”

Celiakept her mouth closed and her eyes averted.Shereally hoped that the unicorn priestess would choose someone else.MaybeSess’elyand her worshippers again.Althoughnow that she knew her worshippers were also her brothers, it was a lot more difficult to watch them all having sex together…

“Youthree,”La’ver’nasuddenly announced.Andfrom the corner of her eye,Celiasaw that the priestess was pointing a finger at her andHoldandFierce.

“Oh, no,” she said with a nervous laugh, trying to refuse gracefully. “Imean, thank you so much for thinking of us, butIget stage fright—Ijust can’t, uh, perform in front of strangers.”

“Butyou are not among strangers now, but among fellow members of theSisterhoodofPeace,”La’ver’nasaid. “Andit is a greathonorto be chosen to enact a story from theGoddessof theShiningHeart’stime as a mortal.”

“I’msure it is, butI’mjust so…so shy.”Celiagave a self-deprecating laugh and shrugged in a ‘what can you do’ kind of way. “Ijust can’t!”

Thepriestess gave her a look that was bordering on a glare.

“Youcannot refuse unless you wish to renounce your membership in theSisterhoodthis minute!” she said in a warning tone. “Nowwill you and your worshippers come forward or not?”