Page 83 of Wasted Oil

“We can’t do this anymore.”

She steps back and sits on the edge of her bed still looking at me with her eyes bouncing back and forth trying to decide if what I said is real or not. Silence has washed over the room.

My heart is beating so fast it’s pounding through my ears, I feel as if I can’t breathe.

I really don’t want to have this conversation right now. Truthfully, I thought she would stay gone and we would leave it at that, and eventually move on with our lives separately.

I look down at my black Ariat boots trying to compose myself. I stuff my hands in my front pockets of my dark blue jeans trying to keep them locked somewhere so they don’t reach out to grab her again. I’m grateful I didn’t leave my black stetson hat in the truck so it gives me the brief privacy, regaining my composure to my face.

I have to be strong for myself.

For her.

For us.

I lift my head where her eyes have shifted, to where I was just looking. I want to say I’m sorry, but what for, the list seems endless at this point on both sides.

I step towards her one last time, lean down and kiss her head, letting the kiss linger a little longer. I’ve finally built up the strength to say what she couldn’t. “Goodbye Boots.”

Chapter twenty-three

“ As much as I hate you, I love you.”


It’s been two weeks since the funeral.

X and I decided that we didn’t want anyone over after. Rhett had taken me home and all I wanted was for him to make the pain go away, unfortunately he made it worse.

"We can't do this anymore.”

Those five words have stained my mind. All throughout the funeral he was right behind waiting to catch me. He was the only thing that kept me from physically breaking. Emotionally I was numb the entire service. Just to know he was right there to support me, even though he hated my father, gave me the strength to stand strong.

"Ms. Alvarez? Are you with us?” I snap out of my thoughts. We are currently going over the will and testament of our parents.

"I'm sorry, yeah. What was the last part?” I breathe out.

“The property, ma’am. Your mother and father awarded you all the properties.” I share a look with my brother in shock. The hell? I wouldn’t expect my father to leave me anything.

“What does that mean?” I'm not too sure what happens after but what I do know is that there is no way in hell that I'm keeping this house.

“Well, since it’s now in your name it is up to you on how you would like to proceed with it. You can keep it or sell it. They had no stipulations.” Hmm? Interesting?

“Also, this is for you.”

The lawyer hands me an envelope, just small enough for a letter. Folding it, I stuff it into my back pocket to read for later. He starts rambling on and on about the will and mainly the company, in which I tune out. The feelings are overwhelming, all too much for me to handle.

I stand and excuse myself.

"I'm sorry, will you please excuse me for just a moment.”

My mind is going wild with all these emotions running in and out. I don't know how to cope. I let my feet guide me walking right into Andres’s office. For just a moment I take everything in—the walls, the decor everything left just the way it was when he left. I notice that there are no pictures here of his family, only a giant portrait of himself. Typical. He never loved us or wanted us. Makes me wonder why the hell he kept us.

Taking in the space that most represents my father has set me off. I find the closest object, a lamp.

I go to work in his office, smashing everything that I can, breaking shit, yelling and screaming,

“WHY," Smash.