Page 84 of Wasted Oil

"DIDN'T," Smash.

"YOU." Smash.


I'm in full rage now.

"I WAS JUST A KID!” I smash the big portrait of him no longer being able to take his looming eyes looking at me like he still has this hold on me. I collapse, falling to my knees ignoring the stabbing and jabbing of wood and glass digging into them.

"Why couldn’t you just love me. Why did you hurt me when all I wanted was your love?” My throat hitches with pain laced behind it.

"As much as I hate you." My voice cracks .

"I love you. I just wanted your approval."

Moments pass while I sit in my destruction and finally I look up to where his portrait was once hanging to see a little safe embedded in the wall. What the hell? Has that always been there?

Composing myself wiping offsnot and tears, I stand from my spot walking over to inspect it. Combo, I need a combo. I tried the birthdates of the four ofus, then their wedding anniversary date. Nothing. Lastly I try the day that he took over the company and to much dismay, nothing. Finally I settle with the idea that I may have to call a locksmith or someone to come open it. That is until I hear the crunch of the little envelope in my pocket that I was given just minutes ago.

Taking out the folded envelope I flip it over, opening the small flap pulling out the paper that sits inside it.


If you're reading this, we are all finally free. I’m also hoping you’ve found the safe. In there you’ll find all you need and I trust you and your brother to do what you feel is best.. I love you, mija. I did this for you both to finally be free. Call me selfish, but I knew there was no way to get out without having to do this. I love you, baby girl, take care of X for me. Te quiero mucho, tu eres mi luna y estrellas.

— Mama

She did it?

She killed them?

From what I was told, it was an accident. How did she do it?

At the bottom, I see a string of numbers. My grandfather’s birthday. It makes sense for it to be his. I don't know why I didn’t think of that in the first place.

I make haste by putting in the combo and successfully hearing the click of it opening. I find a thick red ledger along with pictures and receipts.

Everything, everything is here.

My first thought is to go to the police but in the same thought Rhett appears. When he expressed about the things happening at the farm and how he just wish he could find the person causing the damage. He expressed deeply that he just had this gut feeling it wasn't dumb luck like everyones been saying. He said he had an idea who but never revealed the name to me.

That, he kept private and now I know why.

Maybe this could be his answer to everything. All the pictures are of his farm and what has happened to them: the crops burning, the burning of the hive that I later found out about and then the cutting of the wires amongst other incidents.

It’s like he wanted someone to find these, that or he was just a sick, twisted man and wanted to keep them as trophies. Whatever the case, I know exactly what to do with it.

"How much did we receive for the house?” Im sitting with X in the kitchen for the last time. After meeting with the lawyer we decided to sell everything. Nothing in this house is worth anything to us, price wise and emotionally.

"A little under a half a mil.”

His eyes almost pop out of socket.

"Holy shit, hermana! Who would pay that price for this house?” I shrug my shoulders, in all honesty I don’t carewho buys this house as long as it's gone and I no longer have to worry about it.

"And the cars?”

I do the little math, in my head.