*Mel fans herself*
Girrrllllll DO NOT get me started
because then we will never stop talking.
Ok ok, that's all for now my loves. Follow, Like, Subscribe, Love me cause I love you.
*Both say at same time*BYYYEEEEEE
Chapter fifteen
“Like they live together?”
"Hey, what do you know about this David guy?” I ask Johnny while we replace the damaged fridge with the new dual tank my mom splurged on.
"David who?” He asks.
"The guy who’s in Melanie’s band.” I clarify.
We’ve decided to put the cords of the appliances in a grommet to help prevent them from being sliced through, and for extra matters we built an enclosed space to shove them in so it makes anyone who tries to damage them again really have to work for it.
“Not a whole lot other than he plays with Mel and that he’s her roommate.”
What the fuck. I pause what I’m doing and turn to Johnny.
“Like, they live together?” He doesn’t stop what he’s doing.
“Yeah, that’s usually what a roommate means.” He says over a low laugh. I gulp hard trying to put my mind at ease that they are just that nothing more and that I’m looking too into it.
“Oh and they’re fuck buddies.”
I drop my screwdriver from securing the cable concealers to the wall so fast you would think I got electrocuted. Johnny’s movement stops and shuffles around from the other side and all I can do is stare at the ground. I didn’t want to know, but I’d also be lying if I wasn't also intrigued to know more. There is so much about this version of Mel I don't know.
“I’m assuming that last bit you didn’t want to know about.” My head still facing the ground, my eyes looking up at him leaning against the duel ice box with not much of a concerned look on his face, but a smug one.
I was stupid to assume there was nothing to it. I was even more of an idiot to believe she wouldn’t. If there was ever something that gave me a taste of my own medicine it was this. But why the fuck am I getting so worked up over this. She’s not mine. But you want her to be. She’s not even staying around. Ask her to. My mind wanders back to why this all started in the first place. If you go back you will lose her for good this time.
Time blurred after what Johnny revealed. I don't even remember finishing up, securing the wires then moving the icebox to its permanent home. A burning chill runs up my spine and it could be that my backs up against the door to the freezer or that my anger has got me so worked up all I see is red.
"What happened to making it hurt? Not falling in love.” Johnny spits out.
“I’m not falling in love with her—” I cross my arms over my chest and cock my head to the side looking at him with a sneering glare.
"That's all part of the plan right?” I say trying to make him believe my words. More like yourself. I push off the icebox walking out the garage door with Johnny following heading to the barn to load up some feed for Axel, our bull.
"So, we are going out tonight. I could use a beer or two on your tab after doing all this free labor.” I laugh at his question, wheeling out the barrel to the pin behind the barn. Since its off season for the PBR and it was his last one, he’s now in full retirement mode.
“I gotta work a couple hours tonight at the bar but you can come hang until I’m off.” I want to mention the girls to see if they are coming, if she is gonna be there. After learning about her roommate, seeing her is the last thing I want to do. Every time she pops up I get more angry. Then why do you keep thinking about her? I wipe my hair line with my bandana to brush away the sweat and my thoughts.
“Oh shit, I forgot to mention, guess who’s in town?”
Melanie crosses my mind for the millionth time. I ask who, not in the mood for guessing.
“Janelle Garrett."
I grimace at the mention of my high school ex. I also already knew she was in town since I ran into her at Rita's, dropping off their orders.