Page 54 of Wasted Oil

*clapping/hollering sound effect*

Hello. Hello everyone.

Not sure exactly what I’m doing but let’s do this.

Mel, stop being so modest, remember I can see the future. Don’t deny my abilities.

Yeah, Yeah. I’ve heard it all before time and time again but, Al?


Aren’t you gonna tell everyone the second surprise thats WAY bigger than me?

How dare you speak of yourself so low on my totem pole *deep inhale*

GUYS! I’m throwing a book release party for my dear friend and amazons bestseller in contemporary romance here at The Den..

*Drum Roll Sound Effect*

Kathryn Andrews.

*air horn*

Also she herself will be here for meet and greets and so much more.

And why do I have my best friend here to tell everyone of this great news you ask?

You’re killing me kid.

*Mel giggles*

Moment of silence for dramatic effect please…

My bestie and her band The Druthers will be performing.

So bestie, while on that topic what made you choose that name for your band?

Druthers are things you have the right or chance to do, like it refers to a preference, wish, or desire.

Shit babes. That’s deep and this is also my first time actually knowing that fact too.

Not true Al, I’ve told you before, but you were like two margaritas deep.

Well a girl needs to hydrate somehow, save water drink tequila right?

Not sure thats a thing goose.

*Deep sigh*

Well back to the real reason we are here.

Those who would like to join the festivities you can find my linktree in my bio on all socials and there I have the interest form to fill out and at the end of the week I will reach out to first come first serve with info and such.

Please don’t hate me if you are not one of the chosen but there will be ways to sign up to get a signed copy of the book being celebrated

Hats Off To Love.

Good god, I dream of Stokes on the daily.