Page 56 of Wasted Oil

“Why would I care about her being here?”

Sound of crunching gravel underneath our steps carries on till we reach the front porch. A shower sounds really good right about now.

"Not saying you gotta care about her but you could use her to your advantage on a certain someone to seal the deal.”

Lightbulb. He’s right, if there's anyone that can make Mel crumble, it's Janelle. Still not sure what these two have against each other but I could give two shits right now.

I tell Johnny I’ll meet up with him tonight and head upstairs to shower and get ready for the night but before I head in I dig my phone out.

Me: Down for some dancing tonight? Could use some fun.

Janelle: Time and place?

Me: Jansens 9 o’clock.

Let’s kick things up a notch.

Me: Wear something. . .easy.

Not sure how she’s gonna take that but knowing her she will dress accordingly.

Once I've showered and got ready for the night I climb into the truck checking my phone for a reply.

Janelle: Yes, Sir. *Red lips emoji*

The word doesn't have the same effect when she says it but I can’t think about that right now.

Time to play boots.

Tonights been so packed I haven’t had time to stop and chat with Johnny as soon as he got in. Tips have been good and I can’t complain other than the beating in my chest that's been going a mile a minute. Johnny told me Alex is working late tonight so may not show up til later, or at all which means Mel is probably not coming. Text her. My thoughts get interrupted by more drink orders being shouted over the music.

“It was an idea but I’m over it, I’m ready to leave. Today has given me a headache. I think I’m gonna call it a night.” I slap Johnny on the shoulder.

He turns to me.

“What about Janelle?” He jokes. I just shrug my shoulders, not caring. She was just the easiest route to use in mydestruction, but I don’t need her, words hurt just as much.

He gives me a smirk then goes back to his game of pool and I head out for the night.

Well, that didn’t go as planned. Maybe because you need a new plan. A plan that involves winning her.

Yeah I’m too tired for that shit.

Instead of going straight to the house, I make a beeline to the path leading to the backfields, to my spot. Our spot. I put the truck in park and go to lay back in the bed of my truck staring at the stars trying to wrap my head around my current life and how fucked up everything has become. Everything that could have gone good has gone bad just as fast.

I've lost track of how long I’ve been out here.

"Is this spot taken?”

I jolt at the sound and figure of someone standing at my tailgate. Fuck.

“What the hell are you doing here, Janelle?” I look back up to the sky.

“Well when I showed up to Jansen’s I was told by a friend that you had called it a night and went home.”

What the fuck Johnny.

“I decided I think we both needed a night cap so I drove here and didn’t see your truck but saw your headlights behind the house, so on a whim I followed the path and here we are.” She is now sitting on the tailgate running her manicured nails over my shin.