"Don’t do anything I wouldn’t — wait scratch that. DO everything I would do.” I giggle as she holds up her shot glass shouting Cheers to poor decisions. I lift my arm up with a whoop to match her energy while stepping back but not before I run into a brick wall, what the hell who put that wall here as I regain my footing, I look up to see those piercing green eyes staring at me with anger. What the hell is he doing and who narked on me?
"What do yoouuuu want?” Shit these shots are catching up on my ass. He doesn’t say anything and just proceeds to glare at me,
"Wellll, if… if you’re not gonna talk. Excuse me. I have someone waiting for me.” With a little stumble I head towards the man waiting for me. Kick rocks Rhett.
I shove my way past him making sure to put a little extra umph in the shove to show him I mean business. I make a beeline for the tall drink of water standing waiting for me by the door. Seeing Rhett made my blood boil and sadly for my buzz to start fading.
I should take a shot before I go…nah screw it.
Just as I’m about to reach Rodeo I get picked up from behind by two tattooed muscular arms, damn him. I try to kick and wiggle my way out, but it is no use because he is too strong for me.
"Rhett, let me go, I mean it.” And there goes my buzz. He doesn’t listen, just keeps walking towards the bar before dropping my ass onto the stool next to Alex. I cross my arms over my chest, making Rhett's eyes redirected from his cold stare. My nips start to harden and ache with just the eye attention he is giving them. I glare up at him all the while continuing to pout.
“Mel you, okay?” Alex whispers to me, but I ignore her and continue glaring at Rhett.
“What crawled up your ass.” Alex smacks Johnny on the shoulder.
“Seriously Johnny?”
“What? She’s acting like a stuck-up bitch.”
I slightly turn in my chair to face him.
“You’re one to talk. You’re the biggest cry baby bitch I’ve ever met. What Alex sees in you is beyond me. I’m pretty sure Rhett is your friend out of pity because without him you’d be a nobody. Just a pathetic loser.” I’m now fully turned towards him.
“Rhett, get your girl.”
I look to Rhett who has now moved to stand behind me.
“You’re a dick Johnny, you treat everyone around you like trash and always play it off like you are just kidding when in fact you aren’t. Don’t even get me started on how you treat my girl here. I pray that one day she will see you for what a loser you are and she leaves you in the dust with your ugly ass.”
I know I should stop but it keeps coming out, I can see the anger burning in Johnny’s eyes.
You wanna play bitch? Fine, let's play.
I’m fully ready to go head-to-head with him when all of one sentence shuts me up and stops me in my tracks.
“Yeah, well at least my relationship isn’t fake.”
The music fades in the back as my ears start to ring. I’m stunned, glued to my spot, frozen. Numbness and tingling runs through my body as I process what he just said. Fake? What the hell does that mean? I find my arm wanting to reach up for my shoulder, the feeling of anxiety and fear coursing through my body. Instead I sit taller and not backing down.
"What did you say?”
"You heard me, you spoiled bitch. At least my relationship hasn’t been all a lie. Go on, Rhett. Tell Oil Princess here how the first night at Jansens you were going to treat her like a common slut. How you were going to make her fall in love with you and then break her into a million pieces.”
My breathing has become shallow and heavy, I can’t believe my ears. I think I might be sick. I look at Rhett seeing his Adam's apple bob up and down as he swallows. The anger in his green eyes is now gone and replaced with a look of worry and of panic.
"That’s a lie. Rhett would never do that to me. He’s one of my best friends.”
"Yeah, some ‘best friend’ you are. You leave without saying goodbye and then stay gone for what five years with no phone call or text? Especially after his dad died? I mean I never really cared for you anyways, so for you to be gone was fine by me. But you weren’t the one who stood by his side when his world came crashing down on him. What were you doing again? Oh yeah, that's right, slutting it up with the guy from your band. Can you blame him for wanting to make you hurt? This whole thing from the very beginning has been nothing but a game to him. I bet he even told you that he couldn’t imagine seeing himself with no one else.”
My breath gets lodged in my throat.
After he lashed out at me from the wires at his farm being cut, then his apology and taking me out on a date he told me he couldn’t himself with anyone but me. Johnny has to be lying. Turning I look to see Rhett has gone pale, he is no longer standing behind me but more so on the side of me.
"Johnny that’s enough.” I hear Alex from the side of me as she and Johnny then have their own argument.
“Rhett? Please tell me he’s wrong. Tell me that you aren’t playing me. I shared things with you that no one knows of, not even Alex. I trusted you.” I clenched my jaw, holding back the vomit that is threatening to come up.