Page 67 of Wasted Oil

Damn, this week has been probably the most alcohol intake I’d never admit to but Claire can for sure clarify.

Ha Claire and clarify, that rhymes.

Fuck, I need to shift to water like four shots ago.

Al lays her empty glass next to our many already empty ones and continues,

"I mean it's not like you have a very good poker face.” Well damn, here I was thinking that I was hiding it well.

I’ve once again lost him to Janelle. I’m never enough. I know I’m not the full package of having a tiny waist, blonde hair, blue eyes, always looks like I have a Glam squad from the moment I wake up. Clearly it’s still always gonna be more than just what I have to offer.

"Look Mel, if you feel this strongly why don’t you tell him how you feel? After all these years grow a pair for fuck sake and tell him you love him and then ride off into the sunset on his horse.” She wiggles her eyebrows at me suggesting I ride off on his dick.

The horse was a metaphor for his dick.

I nudged her shoulder slightly, tipping her.

"Get your mind out of the gutter, Daniels. Besides I lost him for good now and I think this my sign to just move on.” I cross my arms on the bar laying my head down on them.

“Alex, I didn’t tell you what was going on with me at the party because I didn’t want to ruin yours and Kathryn’s big day. But last night after I went to look for Rhett, I saw him and Janelle hooking up in the back of his truck." I hiccup. Pushing through.

"—and the worst part out of it all. It was our spot that he took her to.” My cheeks burn with embarrassment as I think back at him fully aware that I was right there unable to tear my eyes away and him sliding his hand down Janelle skirt and kissing her all the while never breaking eye contact with me. Alex knows how much that place means to us, or I guess me.

“Oh babes, no he didn’t?” She asks. Not believing and trust me, I wish I was lying but it runs through my mind like a broken record. I silently nod and hiccup again.

“And you caught them in the act?” I nod again.

"He knew I was there. He looked right at me as he started to kiss her.”

Alex hears enough as she pulls me into a hug.

“Want me to junk punch him?” I raise my head as laughter spouts out of me along with another hiccup. Only she knows how to make me laugh after being sad.

“I’m sorry that he did that Mel. I didn’t know he was this mad or upset or even that it got this bad after you left.”

“It’s fine, I just want my cowboy back.” We stayed like that for a minute before Shania Twain's' Man! I feel like a woman 'came on, making us both jump from our stools and Alex twirling me as we reach the dance floor starting our own version of a line dance.

Then, just like that, the pain of seeing Janelle and Rhett’s late-night rendezvous has disappeared as fast as it came. Both of us giggling, dancing, and singing, if only it could stay like this forever just me and Alex against the world as it always has been.

I continue dancing, swaying my hips to the beat as it picks up, my left hand sliding down my body while the right one rests on my cowboy hat on my head. Luke Bryan sure knows how to make a girl feel sexy. I look to my right to see Alex shaking her ass and dropping it low. All feels right in the world, just us two girls out tearing up the dance floor and owning the night. That is, until I stumble into a very handsome cowboy and start dancing with him.

No, he isn’t The Cowboy I want but honestly, I’m too drunk to even care.

As the song continues, I feel myself feel more and more free, like this is who I was really supposed to be.

We are dancing and grinding on one another, losing ourselves in the moment. I haven’t seen this man in my life, but by the looks of it and the fact I could feel his belt buckle he is here for the Star of Texas Fair and Rodeo. I feel his mouth trail small little kisses up my neck to my ear, “Lord, you are sexy darlin.”

He sends a shiver down my spine my toes tingling as his voice is like a hit of tequila. The music changes pace and starts playing something slower making me turn in his arms to face him, his leg settling between mine as he takes the lead in a slow and very sensual two step.

I see Alex with a giddy smile on her face.

“We should get outta hur darlin, let me show you what a real cowboy feels like.” His voice is not quite as smooth as Rhett’s and smells of Tequila, but it does the trick and I feel myself nodding yes as he pulls me past the dance floor and past Alex at the bar as she talks to Claire.

"Yes Mav! Go get dicked!”

I was excited and feeling good with several shots in me. I needed this after what happened yesterday and then again today with the silent treatment and the sexual tension, I need a release; this cowboy is right for the job.

"Hold on cowboy I need my my my phone.” I slur my words a little as I stop him just as we are about to exit and run over to Alex grabbing it, giving her a quick hug.