"Why don't you do us a favor and dip like you did five years ago." Johnny shouts over his shoulder as Alex drags him out of the bar.
“Rhett. Please.” I beg him to look at me but instead he stays silent and looks at the ground. With his jaw clenched tight.
I have my answer.
Without giving him a glance, I race towards the exit feeling sick to my stomach, the bile rising in the back of my throat. I hear someone yell for me from behind, but I pay no attention as I burst through the exit and out onto the dirt parking lot. My heart is pounding in my aching chest, my head making the world spin before me. How could he do this to me. I know I left, but I apologized over and over again and even told him the reason why.
My feet take me in no particular direction, they are just trying to get away from this place and fast. I thank the gods up above that it’s nice and warm tonight seeing as I’m walking in the direction of my house that’s thirty minutes from here. My walk started off fast but as my thoughts started in, my walk turned into a stroll, rather than a speed walk.
He played you pendeja, all the sweet nothings were fake. You let yourself think that he actually might love you.
“Mel, get in the truck.” I was pulled back from the dark abyss by his gruff voice. I stop and turn to look at him, his face with a solemn look that was like nothing I’ve ever seen before.
"Leave me alone, Rhett.” I turn and start walking again.
"Melanie, I’m serious, get in the damn truck.” I don’t stop and listen, just continue walking.
"For fucks sake! It’s thirty minutes from your house get in.”
"No!” This time I do stop and so does his truck.
"No Rhett, I don’t want to get in that damn truck. I don’t want to be near you!” I pick back up on my walking a little faster than normal when I hear him curse and then a door slam. Run. My head tells me but I can't. It's like my mind is saying one thing but my body wants him to catch me. To tell me that all of that was a lie and that he loves me. But that’s hoping for a little too much.
"Melanie Renee Alvarez! Stop being so damn stubborn.” My feet leave the ground as I’m thrown over his shoulder.
"Put me down you stupid vaquero!” I hit and pound my hands onto his back. This man has a lot of nerve trying to be near me right now, I continue my tantrum as he sets me down by his truck keeping his hands on my arms from hitting him. That doesn’t stop me though, I free my right hand and land a big ole smack to his face, like something out of a Telenovela.
"Don’t .touch. me!” He steps back and with each step the shock and anger grows evident. This time I don’t hold back the floodgates are open and the tears unleash but not tears of sadness, no. These tears burn with anger as they slide down my face.
“How fucking could you! A common slut? Really Rhett? Is that how you think of me!? After all we had been through! And then you don’t even have the balls to tell me that you were playing me, no you stood there and let that dick insult me and tell me what you couldn’t! Then I have to see you with her. The one person that you know who can get under my skin at our spot! Do I seriously mean that little to you?”
"You got it all wrong, yes I wanted to make you jealous. But not there, never there.”
The anger, the heartbreak and everything that I’ve been holding onto for years is finally unleashing. I choke back a sob.
"I never meant for that to happen. I was hurt after I heard about your roommate—”
"Really? This is about David?”
"Will you just listen? After I found out about him I got angry and yes, I did invite Janelle to the bar. But after I cooled down I realized that I didn’t want to hurt you. She followed me! I had no idea she was going to show up!”
The more he talks the more heated I become. “ I don't believe you.”
“Of fucking course you don’t.” He hisses. I turn to go back. "Yeah, go ahead, run away like you always do.” My steps falter to a stop a red haze taking over my sight.
I whip my head my body following suit marching right in front of him, shaking with fury.
"19 years! 19 YEARS! I’ve been in love with you. Here I was thinking that finally the stars are aligned! Hate me for leaving that's fine, hate me for having a shitty father that’s fine too whatever he has done to you I can tell you first hand he’s done far worse to me. But don’t play with my heart because she has done nothing to you to deserve this!”
“Nothing? You sure about that, boots.” He says to me all too calmly while taking a step closer to me that has me stepping back. I swing my arms out with hopelessness. Shaking my head my eyes become clouded from the tears that have not stopped falling. The ache I have in my throat feels as if I’ve been choked or something is stuck blocking air flow, almost like my heart is trying to escape from it.
“After all this time, I thought maybe, just maybe it can be our turn. I’d take seeing you with another woman than to feel this kind of hurt. Betrayal. As if I didn’t already feel self-conscious in myself as one who could have a man like you, I knew it was too good to be true you ruined me Rhett.” I turn to leave when he catches me off guard with one hand grabbing my arm turning me to face him and the other wrapping around my neck slamming me up against his truck, his mouth mere inches away from mine the smell of honey bourbon and mint making my senses melt in his grip.
“You. Ruined. Me."
He steps closer with his hand still holding my arm captive to where I have to shift my head higher and he’s looking down at me like a predator to it’s prey. My breathing has multiplied making my chest rise and fall faster. His eyes shooting down to my lips then to the top of my breast peeking out the top of the low cut tank top.
"Get in the damn truck. Now.” His voice is rough filled with lust and anger, as he releases me I all but rip the door off the hinges getting into the truck with a slam. Seeing him this angry has got me all in knots and not just from the shots earlier.