Pushing that confession to the side for the fifth time I park in front of the diner and hop out with a crate of Rita’s monthly order of honey and jams. I walk through the front and place the jarred goods on the counter top and I’m greeted by the amazing smell of pancakes, syrup and coffee, and my stomach instantly growls.
“Oh gosh, is it already the end of the month?” Rita says walking out from the back kitchen.
“It's been crazy here, I feel like this month flew by. You’d think after how long this place has been running and every year when the fair is going I'd adapt, but I think with age it's the opposite.” She rants, reaching for a mug and the coffee pot, filling it and placing it in front of me.
“You staying for brunch, deary?”
I take the mug from her and take a sip.
“Yes ma’am.” My southern accent meeting my side grin. She takes her crate to the back and I sit on the bar top, my mind still on one thing. Someone. I reach in my pocket for my phone.
Me: I miss you.
Gray bubbles appear in minutes.
Boots: It's only been a couple hours since you’ve seen me lol.
Im stupid grinning again.
Me: Too bad for you. If you’d have stayed you be sitting right next to me getting brunch at Rita’s *purple devil emoji*
Boots: First of all, how dare you. And second, any chance I can convince you to bring me a breakfast burrito?
Me: There’s a chance. If you call me, Sir, again that is.
Gray bubbles appear then vanish. Then appear again.
Boots: Just realized Alex has scones downstairs in the shop. Silly me lol
Oh she’s good. I'm typing up a snarky comment but get interrupted mid sentence by a voice that's familiar, but not one I can point out instantly.
“Well aren’t you a sight for sore eyes.”
I turn on my bar stool, seeing a slim, tanned woman with blonde hair icy like the soul that lives in the body in front of me.
“Janelle, what are you doing here? ” I address my ex. She steps forward leaning in for a hug and I give her one, but too quick to give off anything of a welcome.
“I had some time off from rehearsals, so I came home to check on Mom and Dad.”
Janelle was one for the theatrics; it's only fitting she became a broadway star after the prima ballerina dream didn’t work out. I think it was from sleeping with the ballet director or some shit like that. I just have to point out, I do not take time to look up what my ex is doing on a daily basis. I just have a gossip hungry little sister and a drama-eating best friend who lives for reality drama and talked about a huge scandal involving a certain Miss Texas.
“Running low on funds, princess?” I snark. She rounds me to sit on the barstool next to me.
“Bless your heart for caring.” She says sarcastically. She was always so witty I’ll give her that. She’s quite literally the biggest daddy’s girl but has the most daddy issues I’ve ever witnessed in a chick. Hence, the big scandal that happened with her and that old ballet director. I heard he was French, so she probably thought he was loaded. She’s a proud gold-digger, too.
“Speaking of princess, I heard a certain "Oil diva" is back home as well.”
My eyebrows pinch together in irritation.
“So tell me, have you two finally gone for a roll in the hay?”
Still looking at her in irritation I don’t respond. I just take a drink of my coffee.
“Well, I think it’s time you two have, but I’m curious what her boyfriend would think about her being back here with the boy she’s always been in love with.”
I choke on my coffee, making my nose burn when the contents spilled out. Trying to compose myself, I grab a bunch of napkins from the dispenser and clean up the mess.
Boyfriend? Melanie never said she had one.