I sit up resting on my elbow with the sheets covering me from my waste down.
"You could stay here and write, maybe I can be your inspo.” I give her my best smolder but she doesn’t budge.
"De ninguna manera, you are more of a distraction, sir.”
My cock twitches. Sir? I kinda like it. Maybe if I am playful, I can convince her to crawl back into bed.
"Say that again, I liked it.” She stops and looks at me through her lashes then steps slowly to the bedside leaning in to bring her face close to mine. She’s got that look in her eyes. Yes. I got her.
"Adiós vaquero.” she says so serene, biting her lip then giving me a soft peck. I tried to reach out for her but she’s quick and these sheets have tangled up my legs holding me back.
The door clicks shut once she leaves, and I lay back with my arms wide open just basking in all these moments and memories we’ve created together. Our date yesterday was something beautiful. Bonus for me, I didn’t even need any help on it. Ok well maybe my mom helped a little since we supply the honey and jams for The White Stallion Ranch. I should get up because I too have things that need to get done, starting in the detached garage where there are piles on piles of wood pallets that need to be taken apart.
My mom comes into the garage with her purse on her shoulder and sunglasses on top of her head.
“Hey honey, the new refrigerator will be here in the next few days. Do you think you can get it up and running for me?”
I stop sweeping the floor of the wood shavings and lookup as I answer her.
"Of course Ma, I’ll ask Johnny to help too. Did you get the same one that we had before?”
She walks closer to me with an excitement in her eyes.
“No, I splurged and decided to go big or go home.” There’s a pause.
“So, I decided to go big and bring it home.”
I raise my brow confused.
“What, did you buy a whole ass walk-in?.”
She snaps pointing her finger at me.
“Language, Rhett Anthony.” I raise my hands in surrender.
“Sorry, Ma. So really, what did you get?” She reaches in her purse grabbing her phone out scrolling through then hands it to me that showcases a dual refrigerator/freezer. The Beverage Air P-Series to be exact. It’s not a walk-in but it sure as shit looks like it. One that would lead you straight into Narnia the moment you open it. She wasn’t kidding when she said she was going big. Maybe I should get more help.
I whistle out low. “She’s a beauty Ma.” I laugh handing her back her phone.
“I figured with how well our ice cream sales have been and also with the lot we need to replace, this will help with storage, and the fridge for all the jams and jellies so I can start making that in bulk, which is why I’m headed out. I need to get more glass jars and saucepans.”
She goes on telling me Sarah is out picking apples, peaches and strawberries at the orchard, then kisses me on the cheek and heads out the side door.
I go back to cleaning up the mess I made trying to build this ensemble that Alex has asked me to make for her bookshop as a photo-booth area or whatever. It consists of a wood pallet backdrop and fake grass which I still need to staple on then load it up to drop it off.
Once my mess is all cleaned up, I look at the area that once held the old freezer and think of an idea on how to protect the new one so nothing happens to it. Whatever I can do to try and make things easier on my mom I’ll do it, no questions asked because I’d give anything for her to keep that smile on her face. I love seeing her this happy when she talks about her creations. Her eyes light up at the mention of recipes. I just wish whatever, or rather, whoever is causing destruction to the farm is done and moves on because this was a pretty big hit. I'm not sure what else could happen and I pray if something does happen that we can overcome it. I hate seeing my mom and sisters looking so defeated and I hate feeling it, too.
All throughout the day, I couldn’t stop thinking I should have stayed in bed tangled up in all things Melanie. I can’t stop smiling either, and I’m sure I look like a love sick idiot.
Woah woah, love?
I do love Mel. She was once my best friend. Of course I have love for her. She was a huge part of my life growing up. The gap of time missing I know I could forgive. I do forgive her. I can’t deny that things have completely shifted from the moment of having her in my arms, to our evening at the lake. I still need to tell her though, part of me wants to just forget about it and make it go away like it was never a thing but there’s one particular reason I won’t be able to do that without possible repercussions.
Maybe I should talk to him about it. He would understand, he’s my best friend anyway, right? Not sure why that came out in a question, but then again, I do because anything Johnny does is questionable. He can be a loyal friend and be there for you at your worst like he was for me and how he was for Alex when she lost her stepdad. But it’s like a flip switch and he can be a complete asshole where it makes you question him in general.
Yeah, I have to tell her.