“What are you talking about? She doesn’t have a boyfriend.”
She hums through her throat fishing her phone out of her purse.
“Are you sure because she and her lead guitarist look mighty smitten with one another just look.”
She pulls up a YouTube video of Mel playing on a small stage that looks like it’s a hole in the wall bar. She’s leaning in to a guy with a guitar and they share the same mic mouths inches away from each other and then he kisses her on the check, spinning around strumming his guitar.
I lean back, noticing my curiosity got the best of me and toss the wad of napkins drenched in coffee into the trash behind the counter that's against the wall under the kitchen window.
"They’re performing, that doesn’t mean they are together.” I comment.
"If she’s not fucking him, she’s even more of an idiot then she was in high school.”
My fist has clenched into a ball. What the fuck do these two have against each other? I’ve never cared to ask before.
"What's with you two, why are you always at war with one another?”
She sits there looking at me like I’m an idiot which internally I’ve already established long ago. She leans her side into the countertop crossing her arms.
“Are guys really this dumb?”
I shake my head letting Rita know I’ve changed my mind about brunch saying I had more errands for my mom but I really was just done with the conversation.
“Always one for the dramatics Janelle, nothings changed, I see!”
I leave a tip under my empty mug and turn heading for the door to leave but not before I hear Janelle say,
"Text me if you need a real woman I still have the same number.” I roll my eyes. If only she knew what a real woman was.
See I told you I should have stayed in bed today.
Chapter fourteen
“ You little hussy.”
Wind blowing through my hair,
sun shining onus wish we could stay like this forever.
Justsittin in your truck,
you make me feel wanted like an old hunter hayes song.
But I keep on runnin, tryin to get to you
These dandelion fields too thick to try and catch you
I want you, I need you,
I need to be near you, I can't let you go
these dandelion fields are too thick for these boots to catch this cowboy
After spending the weekend with Rhett in his bed, I decided to head back to Alex’s apartment to get some much needed songwriting done while she was down in the shop working, I just need some silence. It's been almost two months here and I haven’t had time to focus on the things at hand, one of them being writing material for the band, and the second one being the mess I call my family especially since I’m still unsure why I'm here. Attempting once more to write, I pick up the phone and hit voice memo.
Chasing the sun