Squinting, I brace to tell him the last horrible part of the scene I just made. “Would you have screamed at everyone that you’re fucking me and have been for months, too?”

Jameson grins. “Is that what you did, babe?”

“I didn’t like Jarret’s tone.”

“He can be a real asshole. I get it.”

“So, just in case you were wondering, I think everyone is pretty clear about the fact that I’m fucking you and that I’m your girlfriend.”

“Sounds good to me, babe. And I’m definitely not mad about it. Well, maybe a little disappointed that I missed you screaming at my idiot brothers that you’ve been fucking me for months. You might have to do it again so I can watch.”

“Never happening, kid. And I’m sorry… I know we were going to tell everyone more gently than I just did.”

“Desperate times, Lemon. You being here with me is exactly what I needed.”

“I needed to be here with you, too. You’re really okay?”

“I promise. I’m fine. Doc says that I’m going to be a little sore. She’s probably going to give me the good painkillers. It’s just a broken arm. The only limb I haven’t broken so far. Guess I’m four for four.”

“I remember every single one. I really should have thought about your habit of breaking bones before I slept with you.”

“You know I like to keep it interesting.”

“I should go back out there. The doctor—my new friend—said that only one or two people can come in at a time. Everyone’s out there wanting to make sure you’re okay.”

“One, you’re not going anywhere. And two, that rule is stupid as fuck. Didn’t you tell me that Jacks owns half the town? And I know he’s donated a ton of money to this hospital. Text everyone and tell them to come on back. Since when have we ever followed the rules? We’re not about to start now. Rules are for other people, Lemon. Not for you and me.”

“You’re going to get us in trouble.”

“When am I not in trouble?”

“Don’t ever scare me like this again, Jameson. I think we’ve established that I can and will do crazy things when I’m worried about you.”

“I like you when you’re wild and crazy. And I like knowing you care.”

“I do care… I… I care a lot.” The words catch in my throat.

I love you.

That’s what I want to say to him.

But do I love him? Or am I just reacting to how scared I was? If I said it now, would I always wonder? Would he always wonder?

“Me, too, babe. I care a whole hell of a lot,” Jameson whispers, staring into my eyes. The look on his face says he more than cares. “Now text the group chat and put everyone out of their misery. And tell someone to go get me some food. I’m starving.”

chapter forty


After I finally convince Lily that I’m okay enough for her to look away from me long enough to send a text, the room fills up with my family in less than a minute.

Everyone’s talking over everyone. And Lily is stiff as a fence post at my side.

Holding up my cast to get everyone’s attention, I wince. But I’m not moving the arm that’s wrapped around Lily, holding her tight against me, not for anything. So, I grit my teeth and take the pain.

“Sorry about scaring everyone. I’m fine, I promise. It’s a break. The rest is just cuts and bruises. I’m fine, other than really needing a shower. And I hear I missed a hell of a show in the waiting room. Lily filled me in, but I can’t wait to hear all about it from the rest of you. Can everyone please just calm down, though? It’s a broken arm. It’s not a big deal. Have to lay off using my hand for a while, though. Good thing for my girlfriend, I still have one working hand. And a tongue. Not to mention my-”

Lily rounds on me. “Oh, my god! Say another word, Jameson Waters, and I will break your other arm.”