“How long has this been going on? I don’t like it,” Jacks says from across the room.

And I don’t like how he’s looking at Lily and me, like he’s seeing both of us for the first time.

“That’s enough, Jacks,” Dad says from near the doorway.

“Jackson Waters, it doesn’t matter if you like it or not. Like almost everything in this world, it’s not up to you. If your brother and your best friend are happy, then that’s all that matters,” Selena says, slapping my brother across the stomach. Then she grins at Lily. “I like this for you, Lily. Jameson’s hot. Maybe I made a mistake going for the oldest Waters boy? Jensen’s still single, right?”

Jacks grabs Selena from behind, wrapping his big arms around her like he’s trying to absorb her into his body. “It’s not your business if Jensen’s single or not. And please, woman, you went for me? I trapped you in an elevator, tricked you into dating me, and practically kidnapped you back here just to make you fall in love with me. I played the long game, and it paid off big time, baby.”

Selena wriggles her hips until Jacks loosens his grip enough for her to turn around in his arms. “I guess I could stick with the oldest Waters boy. For now.” Then she stares up at him adoringly.

When I look back at Lily, she’s frowning at them. “Selly, if I ever look at Jameson the way you just looked at Jacks, please kneecap me immediately with the nearest pipe.”

“Too late!” Selena calls out, right before Jacks kisses her, and she can’t talk anymore.

Does Lily really look at me like Selena looks at Jacks? I’m going to have to watch out for that. Because Selena doesn’t just look at Jacks like she likes him. She looks at him like she loves him. Hell, she agreed to marry the guy.

Jacks and Selena making out in the corner doesn’t stop everyone else from talking over each other. This room is absolute fucking chaos, and I love every second. If it wasn’t for how bad my arm hurts and the fact that we’re in a hospital, this is just about as happy as I could be. Everyone I love is in the same room being loud as hell talking to each other.

“Hi, everyone. Dr. Brooks, again. I see you’ve all just completely disregarded my instructions that only one or two of you could be back here. But we really can’t allow whatever kind of family counseling session is happening in here. It’s disturbing the other patients. And since Mr. Waters is cleared to leave the hospital now, I’m going to ask you all to please, please leave.”

“Jameson said something about medication?” Lily asks the Doc.

“Yes. He can pick it up at the pharmacy in the lobby on his way out. I’d like to see him back for a checkup in two weeks. If there’s any swelling, discoloration, or excessive pain, please come in to the emergency room immediately.”

“Excuse me?” Lily asks, looking panicked. She grabs for her phone and pulls up the notes app. “I’m going to need you to start from the beginning.”

Taking both Lily’s hands and her phone in mine, I turn to the doctor. “It’s fine, Doc. I know the drill. Not my first rodeo.”

“Okay. You have the handout of aftercare instructions. Call in if you have any questions. And again, you’re free to go. So, please, please… do so.”

“Jacks, Dr. Brooks is still on probation. Can you please make sure she stays hired?” Lily asks my brother.

He narrows his eyes at her from across the room. “I’m not sure I’m doing favors for you right now, Lil. I don’t know if you noticed, but I’m kind of pissed at you.”

Lily juts out her chin, but I’m close enough to see the sheen of tears in her eyes. She’s just pretending to be pissed. She’s afraid that Jacks isn’t going to accept us being together. “I’m dating your brother, Jacks. Don’t let Dr. Brooks suffer because you’re being a baby about it.”

“You’re dating a baby.”

“Jackson!” Selena yells at him.

And I just laugh and squeeze Lily tighter against my side. Calling me a baby isn’t the worst thing one of my brothers has said to me, not even close. And it’s just funny. I’m a grown man who somehow convinced Lily Wilson to mess around with me for so long that she cares about me enough to announce she’s my girlfriend to my entire family and the poor doctor who got stuck with us in the middle of the emergency room lobby. So, the fact that my brother called me a baby after he just found out I’ve been fucking his best friend for months, I’m not bothered by it in the least. Honestly, it’s the least I deserve.

The doctor peeks her head in again. “Dr. Brooks, again. Just a reminder to please, please leave. Thank you again for your cooperation.”

“Okay, you heard her. The pretty new doctor wants us to clear out, people,” Jasper says, grinning at her.

She rolls her eyes at him. “Please leave now. You can go first.”

Lily pulls away from me, but I don’t let her go. She turns back to me, frowning. “We need to go, kid. Or we’re going to get another lecture. And I feel bad that we’re disturbing people. Are you okay to stand up? Should I get you a wheelchair from the nurses’ station?”

“I broke my arm, not my damn leg, babe. I can walk.” But I’m in no rush to leave when I don’t know where she’s planning on me walking to. I never want to spend a night away from her. I haven’t in months. And now that we’re officially together and everything’s out in the open? There’s only one place I’m ever going to want to be.

“You should come back home to the farm, son,” my dad says, stepping forward from his spot hanging back by the door, just watching the mess unfold.

Jasper waves his hand. “He’ll be fine at home with me. I’ll take him to pick up his prescription on the way.”

Lily squeezes my leg and then whispers to me, “Where do you want to go, kid?”