“He doesn’t look fine,” I whisper, with tears welling in my eyes.

“Bumps and bruises. That’s all it is. Well, and two broken bones in his arm. I may not have any friends, but I’m really good at my job. If I tell you he’s going to be fine, you can believe it.”

“Thanks. And you have a friend now.” Smiling at the doctor, I walk from the door over to where Jameson is sitting on a hospital bed staring out the window. He’s not wearing a hospital gown or anything. But his t-shirt is ripped, and his jeans are dirty.

Once I get to the side of his bed, I’m afraid to touch him.

He turns to me and his eyebrows snap together. “Lemon? What are you doing here? Apple Pie’s fine, I promise.”

“I know. Jacks told me. When he told me you were in the hospital… Jameson Waters, if you ever scare me like that again…”

“You’ll what?”

“You don’t ever want to find out.” My voice breaks on the threat, and tears fill my eyes for about the thousandth time since Jacks burst in the kitchen door and said Jameson was hurt. “Are you really okay?”

Jameson reaches up with his right hand, the one that’s not in a cast, and rubs his thumb over my cheek, wiping a tear away. “I’m fine, Lemon. I promise.”

“I really need you to be okay.”

“I am, babe. Come here.” When he reaches for me, I step back.

“I don’t want to hurt you.”

“You couldn’t hurt me, Lemon. Not like this, anyway. Come here before I get up off of this bed and come get you myself.”

“You’re not allowed to get out of the bed, Mr. Waters,” the doctor calls out, peeking her head in through the open door.

“Shit, Lemon. You’re getting me in trouble with the doctor.”

“Sorry. She’s my new friend.” I step right up to the edge of the bed. But that’s not enough for Jameson. He wraps his good arm around my waist and pulls me down to sit next to him.

“I have other patients I need to check on. But just be careful with the arm, Mr. Waters.”

“Thanks, Doc. That’s nice, Lemon. I break my arm, and you make a new friend out of it.”

“Don’t ever break your arm again, Jameson.”

“Didn’t mean to, today. And I promise I’ll try not to do it again.”

“You’re really okay?”

“I promise.” He nods at me. “And I’d never lie to you, Lemon.”

“Okay, I believe you.” Biting my cheek, I know I need to tell him what happened in the lobby. “But I need to tell you something. And you might be mad about it.”

“What’s wrong?”

“I told Jarret and Jensen to fuck off.”

Jameson nods. “Why would I be mad about that? They probably deserved it. What’d they do?”

I wince, bracing myself to tell him what I just did. “They acted surprised when I told everyone I was your girlfriend.”

Jameson smiles and squeezes me even tighter with the arm that’s not broken. “You told everyone you were my girlfriend?”

Nodding, I can barely look at him. “I’m sorry. I just blurted it out. The doctor wouldn’t let me in to see you. This was before she was my friend. I didn’t like her at this point. She said only family could come see you. And I’m not your family, Jameson. But I’m not not your family. I needed to know that you were okay. I needed to see it with my own eyes.”

Jameson presses his lips against my forehead and holds them there for a long minute. “I would have done exactly the same thing.”