“Where do you think, babe?” I whisper back.

She nods. “I’m sorry, Mr. W. But Jameson’s coming home with me.”

“Lily, he’s fine at home. I’ll give him his meds and roll him into bed. He’ll be out like a light,” Jasper counters.

“Fight me on this, Jasper. I dare you.” Lily pushes to stand up, but I don’t let her go.

Laughing, I squeeze my girlfriend against me. “I guess that’s settled, then. I’m going to Lily’s. We’ll pick up my prescription on the way out. Thank you all for coming. I promise you, I’m fine.”

“Oh, and Jasper, you need to drive us. Our trucks are out at the farm,” Lily tells my brother.

“You just tried to fight me, and now you’re asking me for favors?”

Lily narrows her eyes at my brother. “You have a problem with that?”

My brother lets out a long, low whistle and then shakes his head. “Nope. Guess not. I’ll take you two lovebirds home, and then Jensen and I can go by the farm and bring back one of your trucks so you’re not stranded tonight.”

Lily gives him a sweet smile. “Thanks, Jasper. Sorry for trying to fight you. It wasn’t nice of me. Wouldn’t be anything close to a fair fight.”

He stares at her for a second, and then a smile tugs at his lips. “You mean because you’d kick my ass, don’t you, Lil?”

When Lily nods, he bursts out laughing. I love that my girl thinks she could kick a super soldier’s ass. She probably could, too. She’s feisty, and Jasper wouldn’t fight back because she’s a girl. And because she’s Lily. My Lily. My Lemon. I’m honestly surprised that she hasn’t beaten any of us up before now.

“Lily could definitely kick your ass, man. Just need some popcorn, and I’m ready to watch the show,” I call out, laughing at my brother.

Lily squeezes my hand. “I don’t like it when you call me Lily. I’m Lemon to you, okay?”

Nodding, I squeeze her hand back.

“Who the hell is Lemon?” Jarret demands, looking pissed. Pissed is his natural facial expression, though.

“Why does he call you Lemon?” Selena asks thoughtfully.

“I don’t know. He won’t tell me.” Lily turns to face me. “Are you ever going to tell me why you call me Lemon?”


“Are the rest of us supposed to call her Lemon now?” Jensen asks, frowning. My brother does not like change.

“No, idiot. Just me,” I mutter. “Okay everyone, let’s get out of here before Doc Brooks stops asking nicely. I’ll be at Lemon’s. You can come see me there if you want to. They can come see me at your place, right?” I ask her, afraid I’m already making myself a little too at home there and now I’m inviting the rest of my family to do the same.

“Of course, they can. The Waters family is always welcome at my house. I’ll message the group chat when I get him home and into bed.”

When the whole room goes quiet, Lily’s whole body goes red. Her face, chest, and arms are all bright red.

“Oh, my god! Not like that! To rest,” she mutters, staring straight down at the foot of the hospital bed.

Squeezing her to me, I look down at her. She’s so beautiful, so perfect for me. “Probably like that.”

That has all my brothers laughing, except Jacks. My dad’s even smiling and shaking his head. Selena is beaming at us. I’m getting the feeling maybe Selena already knew about us, and she made it pretty damn clear today that she approves. I’m liking my new sister more and more by the minute. And I’m glad Lily has her to talk to about this stuff.

“You can all come and see Jameson any time.” She turns and smiles at me. “I’ll probably need help protecting this idiot from himself.”

“Let’s go home, babe,” I whisper before kissing her temple.

Lily is my home.

chapter forty-one