
“I… I’m s—” I cut off as her hand snapped to my mouth, and there was a flash of that fire in her eyes even as her lip trembled. Then she clambered into my arms, her back against my chest, and she drew my embrace around her like a blanket. Her face was buried in the crook of my arm, so not even Drake could see her expression.

Then, I felt the heat of what I knew had to be tears against my skin. I didn’t have time for doubt, though, because at the same time her purr rumbled to life, and it was enough to obliterate every one of my fears.



Me: does your gold pack friend have any advice for me? I need to know how not to fuck this up.

In desperation, I’d sent Prey the text. She’d been at the Gala with that gold pack—the one who’d read me the riot act over bedding fabrics.

Prey: I’m not going to lie, her experiences aren’t exactly conventional.

Me: I’ll take anything.

Prey: Alright. I’ll forward you her responses, idk how useful they’ll be.

Next, I’d received what might have been the strangest lists of dos and don'ts I’d ever read.

1. Never ever ever ever tell her she can’t have waffles.

2. Ever.

3. Hide your suits if you do. But don’t.

4. If you put a gun to your own head, make her hold it and tell her she can pull the trigger, she’ll trust you forever.

5. Escort her in all elevators.

6. Make sure she knows her eyes are pretty.

7. Give her a princess bond. She’ll really like it.

8. Don’t try to torture her, but if you must, then make sure to crack like a big baby and hold her all protectively in the shower afterwards. She’ll love it if you cry too, but some of my alphas aren’t very good at that.

9. Giving her a big red button to blow up buildings owned by baddies is also good (if there’s no one inside), but don’t lie to her about if there’s someone inside.

10. Do not unknowingly take her virginity with hate sex. It might sound hot, but my alpha’s never recovered so I don’t recommend. Though he’s really into the praise and worshippy stuff now so I don’t know if he broke in a bad way (???). Maybe do it.

I read it four times, but I don’t know if it helped. Maybe I really did have a lot to learn about omegas.

Me: Well, that’s fucked up.

Me: Was the gun loaded?

There was a pause.

Prey: she says yes.

Me: Damn.

So, I’d spent the rest of the day back at the drawing board. That evening, however, I’d felt something through the bond I couldn’t escape.

Naturally, I’d grabbed a bottle of whiskey and got piss drunk.

I found Leighton working late in the office downstairs, a notebook at her side, and laptop open. “Do you need something?” she asked without sparing me a look.