“They’re banging her.” I slumped down on an office chair two down from her, setting the whiskey bottle down before me. “They’re banging her, and she still fuckinghatesme.”

Leighton didn’t pause her work. “Get out.”

Uh… who the fuck did she think she was?

“This ismyhouse. I can… I can go wherever I want,” I told her, trying to keep my voice steady.

Her response was to open her phone and type something out.

“Do you have an omega?” I asked.

She sighed, eyes finally flickering up to me for just a second, before returning to her work.

“Of course you do,” I snorted. No way Ebony would let her step foot in this house if she was unbonded. “What do you do when you fuck things up with him?”


“Oh…” I rested my head on the back of the chair with a sigh. “What do you do when you mess up? When you… fuck shit up… with her, you know?”

She raised an eyebrow at me with a cold smile. “I wouldn’t know.”

“Ah. You do look…” I waved at her clean dress suit with a vague gesture. “So…perfect.”

She spared me one blank look, then returned to her laptop.

I sighed, larger this time. “Apparently, she didn’t like the pity party I threw for myself.”

“Right,” she said, mildly, continuing to type. “Because there’s nothing in the world that screams alpha more than a pity party.”

I grinned bitterly, raising the bottle to her before taking another sip.

“So you went and threw yourself another one.” Her words were so quiet I almost missed them.

I straightened, a sneer on my face at the challenge. “What would you know?” I asked. “You don’t have a clue what we’ve been through.”

“I know what she’s been through,” Leighton finally fixed me with a derisive glare. “Tell me, what didyougo through?”

“My scent match was bitten by another pack.”

“Poor you. Especially when that little black book of hers made it clear you cared about her sodeeplybefore you knew she was your mate.”

That drew me up. “You read it?”

“How do you expect anyone to help without all of the information?” she asked.

“WhydidEbony’s dad pickyou?” I asked.

“Ebony believed Vex had too many arrogant men interfering in her life already.”

“Really?” I straightened, shock breaking through the whiskey haze.

That was… thoughtful of Ebony. Unexpected.

“No,” Leighton sighed, rolling her eyes. “I’m here because I’m the best, you drunken idiot—and you’re wasting myveryvaluable time, which I should be spending onyouromega.”

I wrinkled my nose hatefully, but a low chuckle from the door drew up any response. I directed my scowl at Ebony instead, catching the irritating scent of twilight fucking grass. “The fuck are you doing here?”

“She texted,” he said, looking down at his phone, reading from it.“I don’t work in environments with pests.”He grinned. “Figures.” He grabbed me by the arm and dragged me to my feet.