My free hand dropped to her nipple and I twisted just hard enough to get another whine and full body response. Drake’s breathing was as heavy as hers was.

“You shouldn’t dare me to play while you’re so vulnerable,” I breathed in her ear. “Can we get him to fill you again?” I flicked her nipple and squeezed her neck once more.

She moaned and I was rewarded by a new, desperate sound from her. I knew she had a beautiful voice, but no one could have prepared me for the way those sounds came out in the bedroom, sweet as a birdsong. And fuck me if it didn’t make me reconsider every thought I’d had about taking it slow.

What I did next wasn’t planned. Actually, it was a moment of pure madness.

I leaned close, sweeping her hair around her neck then froze, mind momentarily wiped blank.

It was the first time I’d ever seen it properly: the bite that leeched darkness across her skin like ink.

There was one moment of ice-cold fury. One moment in which all of my instincts flared, seeing another alpha’s bite on her. It was, right before my eyes, the thing that stood in my way, that gave all the power I should have to another pack.

A humiliating weakness.


I shoved away every doubt, fear, and inadequacy, instead, doing the thing that appalled every instinct and sent a shiver down my spine.

I pressed my teeth over that very bite.

My burden, not hers.

Never hers.

My bite wouldn’t do anything, it couldn’t—I could no more form a bond with her than she could accept one, but when she came apart this time, it was different. Drake had reacted quickly, as if he’d known what I was going to do. Pushing himself upright, he cupped her cheek in his palm, directing her eyes to him as she trembled in my grip. The sound she made was half pleasure, half shock as she melted between us.

I felt a thousand things in that moment: my own shame and doubt, my need to fix this—to protect her. I felt Drake’s love for her like it was my own, a breath of air after drowning, something pure, true and guiltless.

And I felt her too, I felt her want for me: a desperate need amidst darkness, but that part was a piece my mind conjured, perhaps in a cry for validation at what I’d just done.

After, she lay against Drake’s chest, breathing heavily, eyes squeezed shut.

I think…

I think I’d fucked up.

There was something wrong.

When he finally released her, she grabbed her shirt and hurried to the bathroom.



I tugged on my braid anxiously, internally kicking myself. Drake was staring at the bathroom door, a frown on his face.

Too long passed.

“That was…” I swallowed, rubbing my face.“Shit.”

It had been instinct, raw and real, and yet… I don’t know how she felt.

I hadn’t meant to upset her. In the moment it felt like a gift, but in hindsight, it was sort of fucked up. And it wasn’t like she could read my mind. It was supposed to be a sacrifice of my pride, but perhaps… had she thought I was shaming her?

When the bathroom door finally creaked open. She didn’t appear in the frame straight away.

When she did, she hurried across the room to stand in front of me. She wore one of her cute oversized tops with the lyrics embroidered on the sleeves (which she clutched desperately as she stared at me), and her eyes were undeniably red-rimmed.